Saturday, August 16, 2008

Happy Birthday to you...Cha cha cha!

Well my mom turned 54 on the 14th and I must say that she looks absolutely great for her age. Since becoming a mom myself I have so much more respect for my mom. Not only was she an absolutely amazing mom, but she also always worked full time. But the thing about my mom is it never felt like she worked full time, because she was always there for us, she made sure that she was to every important event and when she was home she always made it count.
I have so many fun memories of the summers going up to the canyons to find wild flowers (my mom is a biology teacher so she could always name all the flowers.) Or going to Yellow stone with just my brothers and my mom. We had her new 4-runner and only 3 C.D's the whole trip. Garth Brooks greatest hits, Cranberries and Sting.
My mom has always been such an amazing mom in that she is a great cook, she can sew the most amazing things...especially the Ninja Turtle costumes she sewed for my brothers. She has a great laugh, I will never forget our trip to London just laughing about all of the funny things that were happening to us (i.e. waking up in the middle of the night and our air mattress had totally deflated so our feet and heads were in the air while our butts were totally hitting the ground.) She loves to read which is where I attribute my love of reading from. I always know that I can sit and discuss a great book with her for hours, and she get's just as emotionally connected to them as I do (i.e. Kite Runner...we both still cry when we talk about it!) Also she is the smartest person I whole life I grew up knowing if I asked my mom something she would know the answer. Still to this day Chris and I will disagree about something and to solve it we just call my mom.
Anyways I love her to death and even though she is 54 years old she still seems 29 to me and always will. She is so amazing and I feel so blessed to have her as a mom, and as great of a mom as she is she is an even better grandma! I love you mom...Happy Birthday!


Chelsea said...

Your mom is so beautiful!! Happy Birthday Elaine!

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer