Tuesday, January 27, 2009

9 months old!

Well Lydia is officially 9 months old (I'm posting this a week late, sorry life has been crazy!) Anyways 9 months seems like it has brought so many exciting changes. We are saying good-bye to a lot of things and hello to a lot of things and it seems like she changes daily now! Here are a few of the things...
Good-bye/ Hello
Good-bye to gumming everything/Hello to using our two new teeth to help chew
Good-bye to seeing the crib as a place to sleep/Hello to standing up and playing like its a play pen
Good-bye to having to have mom carry me everywhere/Hello to crawling to get where I want to go
Good-bye to laying on my back/Hello to standing and seeing everything thats going on
Good-bye to morning naps/Hello to one late afternoon nap
Good-bye to baby jabber/Hello to crying "ma ma ma" and laughing "da da da!" , and going oofh oofh when you see a doggy!
Good-bye to only the bottle/Hello to the new sippy cup
Good-bye to only baby food/Hello to eating off of mom and dad's plates
Anyways she is so much fun learning and growing every day, I love the time I get with my little Liddy bug, I wouldn't trade it for all the money in the world!


Sarah said...

She is so absolutely adorable Britt! Our babies are really close in age, Baron is 9 1/2 months and is also doing all of those things... isn't it so much fun?? Love this age. Looks like you had a great, fun getaway!

Ashley King said...

She is getting so old - I can't believe it! Well, she just gets cuter & cuter everyday...you are going to have your hands full when she is older!

Clint and Jinger Miller said...

She is growing up so fast!! We need to have a play date! I miss our Thursday nights together. I can come back in May!! Yeah!! Keep up the good work. She is adorable!

NatBug said...

Good bye-infant carrier, hello car-seat! I noticed the infant carrier in the background of one of the pics and thought that would be the next thing to go. BTW I just love her little out-fit! Is she wearing mini leg warmers? It looks like it, anyways, she is a cutie!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey girlie! Its Kelly (McDonough) Casper. I found your blog through someone else's. SOOOOOO darn cute! You have the most adorable little family! I'm glad you are doing so well! Our blog is: www.pjandkellycasper.blogspot.com check it out!

Dave and Lindsay said...

Wow time does fly, I can't believe she is 9 months already!! She gets cuter and cuter every time I see her. I love the pictures!! It's amazing how much she is doing!! So we seriously need to get together, when are we going to make this happen!!??


I can't believe she's already 9 months! What a beautiful little lady. p.s. my son is already like 5 pounds heavier than her...I love how you refer to her as a little peanut... that's perfect! She's so cute!

Kara said...

She is so cute...we need to get Brea's, your's and my baby together and see the size difference. Madison and Lydia are almost the same size, even though there is about 4 months between them. And Mariah's just BIG!

Pew Family said...

She is absolutely beautiful! She looks so much like Chris in that last picture. The swimming lessons Kennedy is in is through a company called infant aquatics. The lessons are held at place in Holladay called Dive Utah. I think the next session starts in March. I'll get you there number.

Pew Family said...

Here's the website for the swimming lessons so you can take a look if you want. swimkids.biz

Janeen said...

what a beautiful baby girl!!! I'm glad I found your blog. They grow too fast...

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer