Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring has brought me such a nice surprise...Lydia is walking right before my eyes!

Ok so I know that I am a little obsessed with my child, and yes I have posted for like the past 6 days which is very excessive and slightly ridiculous. But these are all important events that I don't every want to forget!

So I took Lydia in for her 1 year check up, her stats are as follows-

She weighs 20.8 lbs and is in the 50%

She is 29 inches long and is in the 40%

And I don't remember how big her head was but she is in the 80%

Dr. Boettger was very excited about her growth and progress. We did however find out that she is anemic and is going to have to start taking iron supplements, the poor child is doomed it runs in the family. He was extremely impressed with how many words she can say, and says that should make for a much happier toddler. When he started asking about crawling and walking I said yes she is crawling but not walking quite yet. Well it is almost like Lydia heard me and decided that she was going to walk. The Dr. left and we were waiting for the nurse to come back in to do her immunizations and Lydia saw a toy she wanted and she took her first few steps. I was freaking out, and was hoping that it wasn't a fluke. I even told the nurse when she came in, I think she thought I was crazy.

Anyways I got home and of course I had to show Chris, now usually when I talk something up to Chris Lydia get's gun shy and makes me look like and obsessive mother (oh wait I am, ha ha ha!) anyways Lydia must've been out to prove something because on her first try showing daddy she took 5 steps. Anyways we set up the camera on the chair and this is what we got...I hope you enjoy watching some of Lydia's first steps!

I few things that Lydia is doing now that she is a big 1 year old

-She mimiks just about anything and everything she observes. She loves it when you stick out your tongue, she will then promptly stick hers right out back to ya!

-She is eating big girl food and surprisingly some of her favorites are cooked carrots, celery, blackbeans and of course she loves quesadilla's (sounds like a good mix of her mom and dad!)

-She is crawling all over and started walking today!

-She can crawl up stairs, but hasn't quite mastered going down them.

-She loves to play hide and go seek. It is the cutest thing in the mornings she will go "AAAHHH!" and wait for chris (who is still in bed to respond) when he does she responds right back. THey go back and forth until Lydia finds him!

I love that little one and look forward to many more new and exciting in the months and years to come!


NatBug said...

That is the cutest video, perfect timing Lydia!!! It gets so exciting when they start walking, but alot scarrier too. Make sure that you have all the sharp corners of furniture are baby-proofed. It will save you alot of trips to the ER!!!

Alex, Brad, Carly & Devin said...

Oh Yay! Congrats to Lydia! She is getting so big so FAST!

Bryant and Katie said...

I can't believe she is walking! This last year has gone by way to fast. We need to get together soon. Have Chris call Bry and we will plan something.

Staci Davies said...

That's so fun! Good you got her first steps recorded. Don't want to forget those moments.

Dave and Lindsay said...

Oh my goodness Britt!!! I can't believe she is a year already. I swear we were just at her blessing last week!!:) And now she is walking!!UNBELIEVEABLE!!! She is as cute as ever!!! Congrats on making it through the first year, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIDDY!!

Heather Strong said...

Yay Congrats Lydia! Walking!! That is so great!

Janeen said...

That video is so cute. I couldn't stop smiling watching it! That is so awesome!! What a beautiful little girl.

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer