Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ikea and 14 months and counting!

Lydia not eating her dinner because playing was so much more fun.

It was funny a little boy would get them all lined up and Lydia would come right over and mess them up.

Were trying a new do...pig tails. It's hard when she won't keep headbands on and she has so little hair, so I'm trying my best.

We went to the driving range after IKEA...needless to say I didn't get much practice on my swing (ha ha ha!)
Well for "Family night" we went to Ikea and had dinner and did a little shopping. I swear all I can say is the Swedish got it right. It is such a family oriented store and they seriously make shopping doable. We decided they came up with Ikea, H&M and the swedish fish so they are ok in our book.

Also wanted to do a little update on Lydia I haven't updated on her forever. She is officially 14months-going on 16yrs I swear. She is so much fun, I always tell myself oh she can't get any cuter or any more fun and she always ceases to amaze me.
She is very independent. The other night we were at the park with some friends and we couldn't find Lydia for 2.5 seconds. Well the little stinker had climbed up the playground and gone off this huge slide on her stomach all by her self. It scared her a little and she cried for like 2 seconds then she wanted down and wanted to try it again. Needless to say she is pretty daring as well.
She is extremely dramatic. She has started to throw temper tantrums on a regular basis. They are pretty funny. She will flail herslef and turn all red and has even gone as far as to thow things like her sippy cup or toys or binky. I know I shouldn't laugh and that I will pay for it but right now I think they are hillarious.
She is talking more and more. We were at the park and after we got off the slide she turned around and touched the slide and in a whisper she said "hot" it was so funny I swear I didn't teach her that one on purpose. She says "thank-you" and it is now recogonizable by people other than me. She says "NO!" to every dog she see's (I blame myself because every time she is around Che' all she hears me say is NO!) She loves to nod her head "yes" and "No" and when she nods her head yes she gives this big grin and goes YEAH! She also goes weee and woohoo at the park when she goes off of stuff.
Teeth...well she officially has three molars. She got an upper and lower on the right side about a month ago and yesterday a lower left molar just cut through. We tease Lydia that she has the V sweat all the time because of all the slobber. She has been remarkably happy too for how painful I'm sure they are.
She is still sleeping like a champ. I swear that kid is the best she takes a morning and afternoon nap and goes down by 7 and wakes at 8. I'm not going to lie I feel pretty blessed and only hope I my other kids can take notes from their older sis.
She also loves her food. Her favorite food right now is water-melon, blackbeans (still), green beans, peas, ritz crackers, pizza, strawberries, of course anything sugary, cream of wheat and much more. She loves her milk, and juice out of her sippy cup, but she is not really obsessed with it she will drink from whatever, a cup, a straw a bottle or her sippy cup.
She does have a few obsessions that I thinka re awesome. She has a baby blanket that she absolutely cannot live without and she is now loving her baby. She will carry them both around any chance she get's. In the morning I have to set both baby and blanket with her in the high chair while she is eating.

She LOVES water. That kid has gills I swear. Any time she can be in the water, splashing is or sitting in it she will. It makes me laugh because I have learned I can't clean the tubs while she is awake because the other day she had three baths because I had already given her one and as I cleaned each tub she would freak out...throwing a tantrum until I put her in again. I love it though. It was even funny because when we were at lake Powell all the kids were going off the slide and Lydia kept going over then and all of a sudden she was trying to go down the slide. When we tried to pull her away she yet again freaked out. So finally we relented and let her go down and my dad caught her before she hit the water. I love it.
She is also my new garbage girl. Everytime I turn around she is putting something else into the garbage. It took me a while to realize that this is what was happening so we lost a couple of shoes, amongst other things that I have yet to notice I'm sure.

Caught red handed

Anyways she is growing and turning into such the little girl. I have so much fun being Lydia's mommy and feel so lucky to have her in my life. I swear I don't know what I would do without the little toad.
P.S. A big CONGRATULATIONS to my sister-in-law Lindsey...she just got a job as a third grade teacher at Crescent Elementary. She is going to be an awesome teacher!


Sarah said...

I love that you post all this stuff about Lydia. You will be so grateful later.... it's so hard to remember it all (especially once you have 4!!) Keep your cell phones out of reach!! We lost two to the garbage can(well, we suspect that's what happened to them- we never recovered them!) A couple of our kids were obsessed with the garbage can as well ;)

Anonymous said...

Lydia day 463 ha ha You know who this is Baluga!

Dave and Lindsay said...

Brit!! I love hearing all that stuff about Lydia!! Especially because we don't see you guys too often!! She is darling and I can't believe she is already 14 months!! it's ridiculous!!!

NatBug said...

Yes, watch out for little ones and the garbage, they are obsessed with it. When Tristan was little we couldn't for the life of us figure out where things were disappearing too....the remotes, toys, bottles, cd cases, puzzle pieces, you name it! Then one day I went to take the garbage out and noticed a bottle in the garbage, went to pull it out and found all sorts of other stuff. By the time we figured out that Tristan liked to put things in the garbage we put two and two together and realized that must have been where all of our missing stuff went. Needless to say, the trash had been taken out so many times and the missing items were gone.

To fix the problem I put the real garbage in the closet and got one of those mini garbages, like in a bathroom and let him put as much stuff in there as he wanted. Worked great! Adventures of parenthood are so fun! I think that your post is so sweet, I can tell that you are a great mommy!

Heather said...

what a blast form the PAST!!!
so happy that you found me..(who is you cousin)

ok, so your have such an adorable family. lydia is precious!!

thank you for you story on the feeding! such a random thing, but nice to know that you are not alone :)

so excited that we can keep in touch!!

and tell your sweet parents HI!!!

Kara said...

She is so cute! I can't believe she's 14 months!!

YAY Lindsey!! My mom is sure going to miss her!

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer