Wednesday morning Patrice was running late and wasn't going to make it on time to pick up Bode from Pre-school. Clint works close to the Pre-school so Patrice called him to see if he could swing by and pick him up. Shortly after Patrice received a call from Bode's pre-school teacher to see if anyone was on their way. Patrice was instantly alarmed and drove to Bode's pre-school going the route that Clint would've taken. She came upon a tragic accident only to discover that the mangled truck was Clint's. Clint's truck collided with a cement truck at a very notorious intersection. As she pulled up the paramedics were loading Clint on a stretcher and putting him into the "Life Flight" He was then flown to the Ogden Regional hospital. Once Clint arrived at the hospital the paramedics and doctors realized that his head trauma was so serious that he needed to be put into a drug induced coma. Due to the coma they also had to insert a breathing tube as well as many other tubes. This was a precaution that helps to slow the swelling and bleeding in the brain.
From the time he entered the hospital until Thursday we received very little news. We fasted and prayed that the bleeding and the swelling would subside. The doctors informed us that he had sustained other injuries in the accident, but as a precaution they chose not to treat them until he was stabilized. Thursday afternoon our prayers were answered, the neurologist informed us that there had been no additional swelling and the bleeding had stopped and would heal on its own. Late Thursday we were also encouraged to see Clint would squeeze hands and blink to communicate.
This morning brought more good news, the breathing tube came out and slowly he began talking. Also another CT scan was done and the neurologist predicted that he would have a full mental recovery. He was also then able to communicate to the doctors that he was in a great deal of pain. At this point the doctors were finally able to address the other injuries sustained in the accident. They determined that he has broken his back (fracturing three vertebrae), as well as vertically fracturing his tibia (shin bone), along with some kind of injury to his shoulder that has yet to be determined. Tomorrow morning Clint will go into surgery to receive plates and screws to repair the damage on the fractured tibia.
Many have asked what they could do and how they could help. So we decided tonight to set up an account in Clint’s name to help offset some of their expenses. As you may or may not know Patrice is expecting their 3rd child this July 2010. Like many young couples in this stage of life money is tight and this accident has been a major concern financially for Patrice and Clint. A donation of any amount would help ease their burden that they are baring at this time. We are grateful to know at this point that his mind should recover fully. Patrice has already expressed the feelings of comfort she has felt from your support and many prayers offered in their behalf. If you would like to help and make a donation you may do so by one of the following ways:
Go by any America First Credit Union and tell them you want to donate to Clint Pedersen, acct. # 9040270.
Or if you have an America First C.U. account, you can make a direct transfer from your account to his Clint Pedersen acct. #9040270.
Or you can mail a donation to: Clint Pedersen, Acct. #9040270America First Credit UnionP.O. Box 9199Ogden, UT 84409
Thank you again for all the concerns, prayers and support.
With much love the Pedersen and Knudsen Families
So sorry Britt. When you told me this story the other day I thought you said those cute little kids grandpa was on sn accident not their dad. So sad for everyone. Please let me know if you need help with their kids or lydia I would love to watch them. I will keep this cute family in my prayers!
Oh my gosh Brittani! This is so awful but I am relieved to read that he should recover. How stressful for all of you! We will keep them in our prayers for sure. Thanks for letting us all know!
I was hoping you would post some info about their situation. I was shocked when I heard what happened. He is one lucky man. Thanks for the update, good to know things are looking better for him. I pray that they will continue to progress forward!!
The wording on this was very well done. Just so you know.
Oh my goodness Brittani, how horrible! I am praying for your family. I hope everything goes well with recovery. What a scary thing to go through.
Hey guys, I don't know if you knew but we live maybe 5 minutes from Ogden Regional, if you guys or Patrice need to drop the kids off somewhere, we would be more then willing to take them so you can spend time with Clint, Corbin would love the company. Our thoughts and prayers are with the entire Knudsen and Pedersen Family.
Oh my goodness, how awful of a thing to have happened to this sweet little family. I am so relieved to hear that he is going to be ok....my heart and prayers go out to him. Thanks for posting info on how to donate.
This is horrible. I am donating for sure! I am praying for you all!
p.s. you should be a writer Britt!
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