Thursday, March 25, 2010


Oh boy I'm CrAvInG...

Cheddar ruffles
Cherry Kool-Aid
Sweet Pickles
(I think this one has just been intensified since I always crave butter!)
Cinnamon-Sugar Toast
Corn Chex
Shredded BBQ Sandwhiches
Cheese, Cheese and more cheese
(with cheese, walnuts, strawberies and a few of the other cravings as well!)
Sour Candy
Green Apple Dum Dum's
Turkey wraps (from Costco)
I even ate Lydia's left over burger from "Burger King"
(My first burger since I was 12)

To say the least I think that this baby has some pretty particular tastes! I don't ever remember having quite the cravings with Lydia. I seriously could eat oranges for a week and don't think it would come close to filling that one!

What did you/do you crave while prego?


Alex, Brad, Carly & Devin said...

Currently I am loving cheddar ruffles too! girl scout cookies, jalapeno chips, and grapes! Not as many as you though! And I doubt you look more pregnant than me, you skinny little thing!

Sarah said...

ice cream, pizza, cheeseburgers and fries. I couldn't get enough of any of that stuff.... hey, no fair- your stuff is all healthy! hahaha:)

Momma Fish said...

I didn't have any cravings with Warren. This time around its cap'n crunch berries, jelly beans, oranges, peaches, top ramen (haven't had that since college and now I can't get enough of it). Cheese doritos! Chick fil a lemonade. Random stuff. Weird!

Dave and Lindsay said...

I didn't really have any cravings with Neila. I hade a hard time making anything sound good and worth eating, I was very indecisive about what I wanted to eat...just ask Dave. But the things that always sounded really good to me were just plain out regular house salads with ranch, and mint choclate chip ice cream. I am typically not an ice cream girl either. And I could never get enough bread items, but that is really nothing new!!!

NatBug said...

Well being 7 months right now, I am pretty in tune to my cravings which consist of: Clausen brand dill pickles, pineapple, Jamba Juice, Carrots and ranch dip, strawberries, grilled chesse sandwich's, asiago cheese bagels and Subway's roasted turkey breast sub. I did crave alot of other dairy products, but I have developed a lactose intolerance this pregnancy so my cravings for those things had to stop. I am sure that there are many more, but these have been my major cravings!

Jill Bowcutt said...

That's it. I'm bringing you over a box of oranges! I love it. And way to make me cry on that post about our move. That was so sweet and just made moving harder for me. Just when I was starting to feel ok :) Just jokin. I'm sorry those cookies I brought over that first day were so nasty! I didn't realize it would have such a lasting affect on your dad!

The Richards said...

While I was pregnant I didn't really have the cravings like "oh, I have to have that NOW!" But I always knew what I didn't want. One thing I hated to do was cook. I don't know what it was, but if something sounded good and I took the time to make it, by the time it was done I couln't force myself to eat it.

smallfry21 said...

With Easton I didnt want to eat anything and never wanted to cook. With Brodes I always had specific cravings and still never wanted to cook :) Nate had to take me out to eat a lot. Interesting enough, I gained the exact same weight both times but Nate swears I looked skinnier with Brodes :) I think Brodes just required more because the kid can eat a house! oh and they only weighed 1 oz different :)

Shana Smith said...

When I was prego with coast, I always wanted fried fish and MEAT! I love meat but not as much as I did when I was pregnant! Maybe that is why I gained so much freaking weight, that and pre-eclampsia 30 lbs alone in water weight!! Gotta love pre-eclampsia. Although it was nice to have left the hospital 30 lbs lighter with all that water weight gone... Next pregnancy I am determined for it to be different! Oh I LOVE it!!!

Chelsea said...

Oh my, this is nasty... but I totally craved (like I think I ate one every day for 3 months) the Italian sub from Gandolfo's- complete with salami, ham, pastrami, prosciutto, and like 3 cheeses!!! So manly, and loaded with meat?! I guess my body needed protein?

Ashley King said...

I never got any intense cravings but I was thirsty all the time + am a sugar-a-holic so slurpees and snocones were the perfect solution. My problem is that I always crave things, I just usually restrain myself...not so much when I was pregnant (LOL!). Hope things are going well so far and that you feel good :)

Shay @ Sugarflies Designs said...

Wow, girl, maybe you're having triplets -- ha ha. The only thing I craved with the boys was peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (every day for nine months), but maybe because that was the one and only thing I could actually keep down...

Rachelle Underwood said...

Unfortunatly, with Brent I craved Wendy's frosties. It was like a drug. I would teach all day, and then as soon as school got out, I would drive to find my fix, and just sit in the car like an addict and roll my eyes back in my head as I ate it. With Cameron I craved deli sandwiches, which was a healthier craving, but I still packed on the pounds. Give into it Britt, it's the only thing that makes you feel better when your prego!

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer