Monday, January 12, 2009

Getting chompers!

Well I'm pretty excited that Lydia has gotten her 1st tooth, last wednesday January 7th (this is for journal purposes!) she got her first tooth. It is her lower middle tooth. I got so excited and I've tried to take a picture but that is much easier said than done, and today I noticed her second tooth is also in. She also said her first word earlier that same day...well I can tell you a what I thought her first word would be "Mama!" I thought for sure that or doggy, since she loves dogs. But what do you know it was Dada! I was actually so excited Chris was absolutely stoked, he kept having her say it and trying to rub it in, but I was just so excited to hear her first word I coudln't care less that it was Dada! I get to spend all day with her so he deserves a little perk from her too. Anyways were just having so much fun, she is crawling like crazy, and trying to walk even more. It looks so funny to see this little midget trying to walk but I love it. Anyways this was more for journaling purposes for those of you who may think I'm updating about Lydia a little too much, but who are we kidding it is just all pretty exciting to me!


Alex, Brad, Carly & Devin said...

Teeth wow. Those kind of suck! Alex is getting his first molars and they are the devil! Alex first word was dada too! The sounds are easier than the "M". No worries Alex calls me Carly most of the time! It's all very excting! That's awesome though she is growing up so fast! Before you know it she"ll be 1!

Heather Strong said...

Yay!! How exciting! Babies with 2 bottom teeth are just the cutest things ever!

Ashley King said...

Awe, how exciting!

NatBug said...

That is so sweet, it is great that you are so excited, these are the things that you will always remember!!!


That is probably my favorite stage of a baby's smile...two teeth. SO CUTE!

Pew Family said...

We would love for you to come run with us! I didn't know you were a marathoner, Your way tougher than me. Way to go! I like to stick to the halfs! I'll let you know our running schedule. I know we're to 5 miles by the last Saturday in January but I'll keep you posted!
Lydia is darling, I love when they start getting teeth, they look so adorable!

Ashlee and Sam said...

So fun, teeth finally,Yeah!!They seriously grow up and change so fast!!Where does the time go? She is seriously so so cute!!!

Sarah said...

Hey Brittani! I found your blog by accident and I am so glad I did. Your little girl is adorable, and you look so great. I love blogs, it is so fun to find old friends and see what people are up to. Your little family is so cute!

If you want to check me out, I'm at

Love, Sarah (Jerman) Collette

P.S. Do you own your own studio? Where do you teach??

Meg said...

I thought her first word would be jesus.....jk. love ya! Hurry home from your trip..we miss you.

Marie said...

Hi! We haven't seen you guys for so long! I can't believe Lydia has teeth and is crawling and almost walking! We need to get together so she can teach Deni how to stand up! We should start doing play dates!

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer