Friday, July 2, 2010

Birthday and the Gardens!

We celebrated Robin's birthday this year with a yummy dinner, delicious coconut cake, and a fun trip to the Thanksgiving Point Gardens with the girls+moms and kiddo's of course!

The kids waiting so patiently for their dinner
Jared and Stacey were in town so it was so fun to see them and catch up!
Happy Birthday Robin

Lydia with one of her "Fun Uncles"
Me and my beautiful Mom
Of course Lydia wouldn't look at the camera
Cute cousins

Lindsey and her Darling mom Ann
Stacey and her mom Peggy


This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer