Friday, February 4, 2011

Four months and Food!

Well as of tomorrow Audrey is 4 months old...this is seriously such a fun phase! She is so smiley and giggly and interactive. We went to the Dr. Office for her check up and her shots (hate those dang shots, they break my heart!) We got the go ahead for solids so she tried rice cereal for the first time yesterday, it went about how I expected...she was more interested in looking at the spoon than actually eating (ha ha ha!) Here are here 4 month stats.

24 1/2"-30%
15 lbs-90%
16 1/2cm-75%

Here are some things about Audrey at 4 months!
Smiles: I know I am her mom so I am totally biased and I am with her all day but I have never seen a baby smile like Audrey does. She is always so happy, and really she smiles at anyone and everyone ALL the time!
Sleeping:Well I have to hand it to her she is a great sleeper. She goes down at 8:00-8:30 usually and she sleeps in until 6:30 am and then goes right back down until 8:30-9:00 am. Now if I could just get Lydia to sleep in that late I would be one happy mama. She takes pretty good naps too. She always takes a great morning nap after bath time and usually sleeps for about 2 hrs. Then the rest of the afternoon she takes a couple more naps (not usually as consistent about time as her morning) and she only sleeps for about 1 during these naps. We are transitioning into taking naps in her crib, she will sleep really well in her swing but I sort of feel like she needs to get used to the crib since at the rate she is going she is going to out grow the swing before I know it (ha ha ha!)
Sisters: Audrey is OBSESSED with Lydia. It is almost like they have their own personal joke going on all the time because any time they are together they are laughing. Audrey watches her like a hawk and won't take her eyes off of her if she is around. Lydia loves to entertain her by making silly faces and googly eyes for her. I can't wait for the day when they can play together and really become good friends.
Exersaucer/Front pack/bumbo: Well it is official she loves to see what is going on. Much like Lydia she likes to be in the middle of the action, and enjoys being up right. She will stay in her exersaucer for about 20 minutes at a time. She will play with the toys and loves seeing herself in the little mirror. She also spends a lot of time in the front pack, getting things done with two kids can pose a bit of a challenge, but with the front pack I have my little assistant on my front and my other by my side (usually Lydia follows me around with her Sep stool..i.e. step stool.) Yet again she loves being apart of everything. We cook, clean, and I have even gotten ready with her in that....I won't say that I looked very good after getting ready but it worked!) She isn't as in love with the BUMBO as LYdia was yet...I have brought her down in the studio and she did sit and watch the girls dance and loved it then but if I try to put her on the counter or bed while I'm cooking or getting ready she isn't as in love with it (ha ha ha!)
The Roll Over:Well she rolled over last week and I refer to it as THE roll over because it has only happened one time (ha ha ha!) Of course I was so excited and so I have had her on her stomach numerous times just waiting for her to bust out the roll over again...but to no avail. At this point she actually loves being on her tummy (ha ha ha!) Lydia used to just get so mad she would roll over almost instantly. Audrey will actually stay on her tummy for like 10 minutes before she even remotely acts like she want to lay on her we are working on mission roll over for the next little while!
HANDS/Binky: This little girls LOVES her hands, if there isn't a binky in her mouth you can find her hands. I have to laugh because it isn't one finger or a thumb it is practically her entire hand and it is different time she had this huge smile on her face sucking on all her fingers except her middle looked like she was flipping me off (I tried to get a picture but by the time I got back with the camera she had the entire hand in her mouth (ha ha ha!) She also loves her binky too but it still doesn't compare with her hand (ha ha ha!)

Vocal Chords: Audrey is definitely starting to learn how to get her way. She very rarely cries (usually when she is hungry) but she is starting to really use her voice. She will sqeal, and scream. She laughs, and coo's. I love hearing her little baby talk language. Usually in the mornings I wake up to her talking to herself in her crib. She isn't crying or anything just talking (ha ha ha!) It cracks me up because it sometimes wakes Lydia up and on the monitor I will see Lydia standing right by the crib and talking to Audrey. She usually asks Audrey how her sleep was, and if she had sweet dreams...and it leaves me laughing!

Overall: I am having so much fun with Audrey. She is such a great baby, and such a great addition to our family. I love seeing her develop and grow and look forward to the day when Lydia and Audrey will be such good friends (hopefully that happens sooner than later!) I feel so blessed to have her in our home and love the sweet spirit that she brings with her. We love her more than words can say!


Patrice Pedersen said...

love this little one!!! You are always so good at updating about your kiddos!

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer