Lydia really didn't want to leave, we spent like 15 minutes alone on this carriage outside the festival. I just couldn't get this little girly away!

Lydia really didn't want to leave, we spent like 15 minutes alone on this carriage outside the festival. I just couldn't get this little girly away!
Posted by Chris and Brittani Knudsen at 10:05 PM 3 comments
Well we had our Annual Lake Powell trip, and again it didn't disappoint! Chris wasn't able to come this year due to having to work, this is his "Summer of Work" as we call it, in hopes that next year when Auds is a little older we will be able to have a little more fun together (we will see!)
We drove down Wed. afternoon and who are we kidding other then price canyon (the longest hour of my life) both kids were great in the car. We got in about 4:30 and had dinner, it was pretty windy so we decided to stay on the slip and head to the beach in the morning.
Even though Derek and Ashley were still in South America and Chris wasn't there we still had a full boat. Tyler invited his buddies and 4 girls (for once the girls actually helped, rather then just sat around laying out!)
Even Audrey got settled pretty quickly, she really enjoyed all the attention. All of the girls that Tyler brought were so cute with both of my girls, they got pretty spoiled and not just by Nana and Grandpa.
Thursday morning we were off to the beach. I was so excited, we hadn't been to a beach since before I was even pregnant with Lydia. I was so excited not to have to feel like we were staying in a fish bowl, I swear when you stay on the slip you get no privacy.
Lydia loved helping my dad drive the boat, she was so excited that the boat was actually moving in the water.
As soon as we got to the beach, both kids were in swimming attire and ready to PLAY! We got anchored, and got the malibu anchored and we were all ready to start really enjoying our trip. Tyler and his buddies had bought a 100 ft. slip n' slide and so right away they all started digging out the slide from the top of the hill into the water.
Thursday I got in a few ski runs, and was able to surf a couple of times as well, it was so windy so it wasn't the perfect glass that I always look forward to, but I won't complain I was just glad to be able to do the things I love this year now that the little munchkin above is not hanging out in my belly! Audrey loved her bath time...even if it was in a house boat sink!
Auds hanging out with Grandpa watching the slip n' sliders.
No lake powell trip is complete without some movies or t.v. this year was no exception, I was able to get everyone on the boat who wasn't already obsessed with Modern Family! Years ago Lake Powell was where I was finally able to convince my family that the office was funny. If the trip had been a little longer I may have gotten them hooked on Parks and Rec and community. Because we literally watched every episode of Modern Family Season 1 twice, Lydia played a lot of leapster and Audrey played with her toys quite a bit!
After two days of wind decided to take a day trip to the grotto. As usual it was BEAUTIFUL! Usually in June we go to the grotto for cooler water and to relax, this year the water was only about 74 in the main channel which means the grotto was quite a bit cooler. It was still fun and Lydia loved listening to her echo with uncle Tyler. This was Audrey's very first time on the ski boat, and she did awesome. She didn't cry once, and was even able to fall asleep with the muscle man suit on. She was so cute whenever the music would come on she would tap her hand on her belly to the beat, you can kind of see in the pic above...I guess she has to have rhythm after being in my belly for 9 months listening and dancing to music (ha ha ha!)
Posted by Chris and Brittani Knudsen at 4:38 PM 3 comments
Posted by Chris and Brittani Knudsen at 4:34 PM 0 comments
Posted by Chris and Brittani Knudsen at 4:17 PM 0 comments
Little Miss Audrey is 8 months and getting cuter by the day. I have had so much fun with this little girlie, and it is so much fun to see her getting bigger. Sometimes she will do something and all I can think is "is she really old enough to be doing that?" And yes she is, with your second it just goes by so much faster, and you want them to stay little so much more. Here are a few fun things about little Auds!
-Sleeping: Still loves her sleep, she has even modified her sleeping schedule to help me get my run in in the morning no problem! She was even great at Lake Powell, and slept just about anywhere we put her...love it!
-Eating: This girl loves her food. If you have ever seen the movie "Little shop of horrors" they always say "Feed me Seymour" and that is a line Little Audrey hears quite often. She will eat anything you give her but some of her favorite are strawberries, tortilla's, mango, baby mum mum's, gold fish, and she loves any babyfood you give her...well except for the green veggies she does gag on those unfortunately.
-Mobility: She is rolling over, and scooting around on her back and her tummy. She would stand all day long if she could and will walk along the couch without a problem. She still isn't crawling (thank goodness...my life is going to be turned upside down, ha ha ha!) But she will pull herself up onto her knees and rock. She will even launch herself at things that she wants to get to, I think she is going to be just like her sister and be fearless!
-Giggles: This little girl loves to giggle, and she is quite the observer. She loves to see what people are doing and be apart of all the action.
She is honestly such a fun addition to our family, I feel so lucky to be Auds and Lyds mom! Not a day goes by that I don't thank my lucky stars that I have my family to share my life with.
Posted by Chris and Brittani Knudsen at 4:03 PM 0 comments
Posted by Chris and Brittani Knudsen at 7:58 PM 5 comments
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