Monday, September 8, 2008

The big 26!

It is Birthday Month!
Well for those of you who don't know Chris and I have birthday's 6 days apart. Mine is September 3rd and Chris' is September 9th. So to back up a little for my birthday Chris took me up to the outlets to go shopping, then we had to come back down so I could teach dance. After that we decided to go on a little adventure. Now I more than anyone dug my heels in when Chris suggested that we move to the west side...I grew up on the east side and there is just an unspoken stigma about the west side. Well I'm gonna be honest when I say I am so glad that I trusted my husband...we have loved it. Now my biggest complaint though is that we are so far from the mountains...which I love and miss. So Chris did his research and wanted to take me up a west-side canyon which I have to say was absolutely amazing. It is Butterfield Canyon and you can actually drive it all the way into Tooele. Anyways it was an amazing drive and did make me see that we have a beautiful canyon close to home as well...if only we could ski then it would be perfect.

Anywyas after that we went to a local Riverton restaurant called "Mark Antony's" it is a really nice Italian restaurant, after which we rented "What happens in Vegas", which actually turned out to be a really cute movie

The view from about 3/4 of the way up the canyon!
Looking down into Kenacott...from the other side!
Lydia was a trooper on the bumpy dirt roads!
We even got to see some wildlife up close and personal!

Now Chris Birthday is tomorrow... I know he doesn't really care about birthday's but it is a great time for me to just remember how lucky I am. He is such an amazing husband and father and I feel so blessed to be married to him. So Happy Birthday Chris and just know that I love you so so much! Just in case he doesn't believe me (ha ha ha) here are the top ten reasons why!

1. He would do anything for me...(i.e. finishing the nursery before we even moved in, even though he was dead tired!)

2.He can make anything seem exciting...(picking up Che's poop, by making it a competition.)

3. He is amazing at everything he does, and if he isn't he acts like it which is a total turn on!

4. He doesn't get mad when I wake him up to tell him to stop snoring!

5. He is so easy going and in the middle of fights he can make me laugh so hard I forget why I was mad!

6. He likes to daydream about the future with me...(draw our dream home!)

7. He isn't afraid to be a kid, still loves things like Rockband and playing on 12 foot tires at Lake powell.

8. He makes me feel like I can make the best Quesadilla's on the planet...just so I'll make him one more!

9. He worships the ground our daughter lay's on!

10. He loves the gospel and honors his priesthood. I always know I can count on him!

I love him to death and hope he has a great Birthday!


NatBug said...

Happy Birthday Chris! That was a really nice tribute, very sweet. BTW-Jake's birthday is today too. Also, happy belated birthday to you too, sounds like Chris spoils you!

Meg said...

Chris, you are so HOT right now. Happy Birthday, you are getting so old! P.S. You are pretty good at what you do!

RyanandHailee said...

Happy Birhtday you too! I hope that you both had great days!!! You guys are awesome and I am toally seriuous about getting together sometime we are totally west siders too!!!

Ashley King said...

Happy birthday Chris & Brittani!

Heather Strong said...

Happy birthday to you guys! It was a blast yesterday. Jake got a huge kick out of your poop story. We put Emmett to bed at 8pm last night and he slept 10 hours! What the??? Why didn't anyone tell me sooner?!? We'll definitely do it more often!

Jake and Kim said...

Happy Birthday month you guys!! It's good being back on track...I must say I really dig this 9 on, 3 off thing. My break was the perfect length, just enough to relax AND get some work done. And now that I am back to school, it's the same old craziness that ya just get use to I guess! I would just love for you to come in and meet my kids, see my classroom, and read to them or whatever! Let me know a good time for you. It would probably be best to come in at either 10am or 2pm if that helps you decide.. they will LOVE you

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer