Monday, September 8, 2008

Everyone poops!

Reader beware...there is poop involved in this story!
Ok so Lydia when she wakes up in the morning or even in the night sometime she kicks her feet out of her snap pajamas. Now she had done this a couple of times and so I bought her some jamies with a zipper to solve this problem. Well we got home Friday night late and Lydia had been an angel all night. She slept through dinner and a movie (Hancock... which was pretty loud!)When I got home all of her zipper pajamas were in the washer so I just figured she would be fine in her snaps, since she was so tired. That night she woke up at about 2:00 and so I went in to calm her down which and put her back to sleep (she had kicked out so I put her back in.) Then when she woke up for her morning feeding at about 6:00 I went in and kept the lights off like usual. She had kicked out of her pajamas so her little chicken legs were sticking out, which I didn't think anything of because it had happened before.
Boy was I mistaken. When I picked her up I noticed she was a little wet, so I turned on the light and noticed that her diaper had come undone. Well when I looked even closer I noticed some sticky brown substance on her feeties...yes you guesd it POOP! So when i pulled her blanket back the poor thing had pooped and peed in her crib. I felt horrible, because lately I have been turning off the monitor so that I only wake up when she really is awake and not just every little whimper and now I felt so guilty because who knows how long she had been laying there!
So needless to say I went out the next day and bought 3 more pairs of pajamas with zippers so that this never happens again!


The Searle Family said...

Ha ha Brittani I love the book you put on there. It reminds me of the movie Dan In Real Life. Poor Lydia...i love that you bought some extra pj's:)

NatBug said...

Don't worry, you are still a good mom, those kind of things just happen! Sometimes us moms are just so tired in the middle of the night that we don't realize all that is going on around us.

Meg said...

I hope you made Chris clean it up! JK. P.S. She was an angel on our date on Friday. We didn't even know she was there.

Jake and Kim said...

OH poor thing!! It's not your fault thought, these things happen!

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer