Monday, September 20, 2010

Check and Check

I am 37 weeks today which means 2 weeks to go before my doctor will induce me. I have had a check list of things that need to happen before baby can come and I have checked a few off

#1. I made Lydia's Jesse the cow-girl costume...CHECK!

#2. Told Lydia we could ride the train downtown...CHECK!

#3 Told her we could see the temple....CHECK
#4 Finished my oldest girls jazz dance routine...CHECK

#5. Chris is home from scout camp...CHECK

All that is left is for my parents to get home from EUROPE, not going to lie now that it is a lot closer I feeling like I can wait a little while longer (ha ha ha!) Funny how that happens!


Sarah said...

It IS funny how that happens! Good job for getting everything done. I'm jealous. My to-do list is a mile long.... pretty sure half of it won't get done in the next 6 weeks. Oh well.... I seriously cannot wait to be done with this pregnancy. It's also funny how it kind of just takes over your life from 30 weeks on...

Heather Strong said...

I can't believe you made that outfit!E Emmett keeps telling us that he wants to be Woody for Halloween ha ha! So cute.

Alex, Brad, Carly & Devin said...

Her Jesse costume is adorable. Alex should be Woody and they would be so cute together!! Can't wait to see your little one!!

Shay @ Sugarflies Designs said...

Britt, her costume looks amazing! Nice work! I wish I had that kind of talent to make costumes for the boys...

Jill Bowcutt said...

Oh my gosh you are so almost done! Hang in there. I think you should hold off until the 28th cuz that's my birthday :)I can't believe you made that costume. So cute. (Tage is going to be Woody! But his homemade, hand me down from Parker, costume isn't nearly that good. Too bad we can't get them together for a pic). I also can't believe how grown up Lydia is all the sudden! Now get off your feet and get some rest will ya? You're making me tired :)

NatBug said...

That Jesse costume is so are so creative! Good luck with the last bit of pregnancy!

Heidi said...

What the heck?! You MADE that costume? Holy moly!

Ashley King said...

Ditto to the above comments..that costume is ADORABLE! Glad you got through your "checklist" :) Can't wait to see that adorable little girl.
PS: I can't believe how dang cute you look; most of us look like c.r.a.p. the last few weeks, but you look all energetic and fresh and just perfectly preggo!

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer