Wednesday, March 9, 2011

5 Months=So Much FUN!!!

Well Audrey turned 5 months a few days ago and all I can say is she is seriously so much...
Every day she is growing and developing and becoming more aware of her surroundings! I am only going to do a brief update because I figure I will do the big one after the 6 month Dr. Appointment.

So to summarize life with Audrey:

Lots of smiles, giggles...and big open mouth kisses!

Lots of bananas, carrots,pears, sweet potatoes, and she loves her "Baby Mum, Mum's!" (little rice crackers that melt in her mouth!

Lots of grabbing of toys, hair, earrings, and anything else she can get her hands on!

Lots of tummy time, and even almost sitting up all on her own. She would be able to do it I swear if her feet didn't look so appetizing to her (ha ha ha!)

Lots of loving her sister, anything Lydia does Audrey is right there with a squeal or laugh to let her know how much she loves her. She is a little weary of Che' I will have to get a picture of her reaction to him, I have never seen her eyes get so BIG!!!

Overall just lots of fun with my baby girl who feels like she is growing up way too fast! Who are we kidding I feel like one lucky mama to have two girls that fill my life with so much joy!

P.S. I use a lot of ! marks...I guess I really get excited about my kids (ha ha ha!)

Aud's with the Bear, she isn't looking quite as small...I guess!
She really is always so HAPPY...just like her sweatshirt says
Love that smile!

She is a really good escape artist, she can wiggle her way down or out of just about anything!
Loving her time in the exersaucer!
She is definitely teething, she puts anything and everything in her mouth..this is her favorite item by far!


RyanandHailee said...

She is so... dang adorable! Those little eyes are beautiful! I can't believe she is that old... where does the time go???

Meg said...

Love her! Great pictures. Um, she still looks small next to the bear , cause let's be honest..that thing is freaking huge!

Katie said...

She is beautiful! Those eyes!

Shaunel said...

Wow. Her eyes are totally sparkly!SO cute. :)

Brittany said...

She is so darn cute! I can't believe she is 5 months! Wow! Cute girlies!

Anonymous said...

Ok so the posts from "Brittany" on this and on your last post, is really from me! LOL I am on my work computer and it was already logged onto a girl here named Brittany! LOL

Heidi said...

Britt-I have to ask where you got that bouncer?! Only because my SIL used to have one exactly like that that I borrowed for Taft...I remembered it was broken in that same place it is on yours (the lower right corner of the pic) I know I totally sound like a detective but what a small world if that is the same bouncer!

Your girls are adorable by the way. :)

Chris and Brittani Knudsen said...

Heidi, that is too funny. Robin my mother-in-law actually got it at D.I. I would laugh so hard if it was the same one...we certainly love it at our house (ha ha ha!)

Aly said...

Brittani! Oh my she is so dang cute. and bring on the exclamation points!! I am all about them too. Love you, and love your blog!

Alex, Brad, Carly & Devin said...

So cute! She will be crawling right along with Devin before you know it. Don't blink! It goes by too fast! I know you know!

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer