Thursday, January 28, 2010

Don't stop, don't give up!

Yo Gaba, Gaba!

Some of you may already know about Lydia's love of the above mentioned show. And I will be the first to admitt I was a little annoyed with the obsession at first. Who wouldn't be from the moment she wakes up until she goes to bed she is dying to see these funny little characters (Muno, Fufa, Todee, Plex, Brobi and of course D.J. Lance Rock) and after a while it definitely takes its toll.

Well I have recently changed my mind. I see why Lydia loves this show, I think she loves the dancing and music and the funny little characters. But I see that there is so much more to the show (ha ha ha, I never thought I would say this!) SO I have almost every song memorized (not by choice of course) and one day I was cleaning in the kitchen, Lydia was eating lunch and of course "Gaba" was on. I had a rough day and was feeling pretty sorry for myself. Then on came the song "Keep trying!" I had to laugh because I thought "Wow, i really needed to hear that!" The rest of the song says "don't stop, don't give up, you can never give up!" Well it was then I decided I do want my daughter to hear things like that, I want her to know that in life there will be bad days but you can't give up! Anyways so "Yo Gaba, Gaba!" Thanks for the much needed pep-talk and thanks for reminding Lydia not to bight her friends (ha ha ha!)

P.S. I also must say it is the cutest thing ever we can say to Lydia "Singing and dancing is..." and she responds very enthusiactically "AWESOME!"


Chelsea said...

Seriously, this REALLY is the best (and funniest) kids show! Tate looooves this too. I know just what song you are referring too- when Tate was "teaching" her baby susie how to walk she sang "keep trying, keep trying, don't give up" all day to her:)!
I'd way rather have this positive show on than sponge bob or something else like that!

NatBug said...

She is such a doll...AWESOME!!!! I totally know what you mean about shows like this. You start off thinking that they are the most annoying shows, but come to know them, they really do put out a good message! Love the cookie post too, I want some!

Alex, Brad, Carly & Devin said...

Oh my goodness. I turned it on for Alex one day and now he is hooked. Everyday @ 11:00 we turn it on. He dances and just loves it. She is adorable. I loved how enthusiastic she is about it!

Jake and Kim said...

haha i was flabbergasted when I first saw this show at your house! But I loved it too! I love crazy weird stuff like that. And thank you, I definitely need to hear "don't give up"!!! Great message haha.

Hughes Family said...

Too cute. I was wondering who this was when you mentioned it on your blog. Michael hasn't seen this show yet. What channel is it on? He is obsessed with PBS Sprout and all those shows. I have them all practically memorized. And dispite MY love of Elmo, I thik he likes Cookie Monster AND Ernie better. Ha, ha, ha.....

Momma Fish said...

I can't bring myself to putting it on. I think it's because I know Warren would go nuts and not want to watch anything else. I love that you had a special Gaba Gaba momebt though. Funny. said...

You seriously have to be the cutest person ever!!! Thanks for sharing with me and making me smile!

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer