Sunday, January 24, 2010

Oh my gosh, what happened?

Well last Tuesday Chris went out of town, and of course Lydia got sick. I swear she used to have a great immune system and now...not! Anyways she had a serious fever and the stomach flu. I have never seen Lydia hold still for so long in her little life, which eating nothing but water for two days might have something to do with it. Anyways I was so excited for Chris to get home Thursday night and Lydia wouldn't go to sleep so I decided to put her on the couch with me and see if that would help her (by this time she was feeling quite a bit better) Anyways I am laying down pretending to be asleep and she is crawling all over me, yelling "Gabba Gabba" and in the process she knocks her water bottle down. I peek my eyes open to see her put her little hands up and say "Mama, Oh my gosh...what happened?" I couldn't stop laughing which didn't help my cause of getting her down to bed. Anyways even when she is sick she still manages to make me laugh.


Momma Fish said...

DIdn't Lydia get sick last time Chirs left town?? Maybe he shouldn't leave anymore!

Heather Strong said...

Ha ha that is funny. Emmett went through the same thing when he was 9-10 months old, last winter... He got sick once and then was sick like every other week for awhile! Then it stopped and he hardly gets sick again. I give him 1 GummyVite every day and 1 gummy vitamin C thingy and I swear it totally keeps him healthy! When I got the swine flu, he didn't even get it!

holly said...

too funny! kate says "oh my goossshhh" all the time (she stretches it out!) i hope lydia gets better soon! nothing is worse than a sick baby :(

let me know if you want to do a playdate....kate would love it!!


seriously Britt...I don't think she could get any cuter. I love her little stylish outfit in the previous post. SO FUN!

Shana Smith said...

LOL! It is so funny what kids pick up on! I guess we really should be careful what we say huh?! Kids are sponges.. I cant wait for the day Coast says funny things, he already makes me laugh SO hard. Cute story, poor girl get healthy already!.. said...

You are so dang cute! We seriously need to get together sometime!

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer