Just when I was starting to feel like Che' has settled down and I can trust him with Lydia, he goes and does something like this...

One of the parents of a student I taught at Ridgecrest had given me this really nice wooden train set. I had completely forgotten about it until we rearranged everything and I found it with my school stuff. I pulled it out for Lydia and she has loved playing with it.

Usually Lydia is pretty good at putting Che in his place, but I guess not this time...ha ha ha! Hopefully I will learn my lesson for the millionth time!

Doubtful. Max and Brody still do stuff like that every once in awhile and they are 4 1/2. Labs stay puppies forever!
Ahhh... This is why I won't let Jake get a dog ha ha! Luckily, IKEA has those train sets for super duper cheap! We got one for Emmett that was like $20 and the Thomas train ones at Toys R Us are like $50! IKEA - always there for us!
Oh, I hate that! Gretchen chewed up one of my favorite shoes, and now she's scared of it...:) ha ha. Doesn't it make you wonder why you have a dog?!
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