For nearly 5 years I have been a home owner and for nearly 5 years I have had a hate-hate relationship with WEEDS! One in particular MOrning reeked havoc in our first house taking over the entire side yard of grass I would spend countless hours of my summer vacation pulling, and pulling and pulling that danged morning glory only to barley put a dent in it. Well once we moved to a new house, with a new yard, I figured keeping up on the weeds would be much easier and worst of all I thought "Good Riddance" to that pesky morning glory well I couldn't have been more wrong. I'll never forget coming home from a run and pulling a few weeds on the walk in, only to notice a huge thing of morning glory hiding back behind one of our rocks, but so lovingly choking one of my nice shrubs to death. You see that is what it does, it blends and chokes. The worst part is in both of our houses we have planted Vinka a plant whose sole purpose if ground cover, well too bad for me it looks very similar to that other wretched plant too. Anyways I spent the better part of a couple of hours bending over and pulling out that pesky weed again yesterday ...all I can say is it will be the death of me for sure!

How funny, Andrew knows exactly what you're going through--it drives him crazy. You would never catch me out pulling weeds so I respect you, Brit.
I feel your pain...every last bit!!! We have it taking over our shrubs too!! I HATE MORNING GLORY!!! Lets start a club...I'll be the first to join it!!
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