Friday, October 1, 2010

Cornbelly's farm 2010

First of all here is the baby update, I am officially 39 weeks on Monday and if I haven't gone before then I get induced on Tuesday the 5th...I'm really hoping that it isn't a busy day and that I actually do get to go in (Cross your fingers for me, ha ha ha!) So I am hanging in there, and kicking myself in the butt for expecting to go early just because I did with Lydia, but what can you do, we are only human!

So to try to help induce labor I decided to go to Cornbelly's farm and jump on these cool air pillows (ok so I didn't jump but I bet if I did it would've helped!)

Actually Patrice and Clint were down and went to we met them there and it was an absolute blast. It was the first day, and we had a killer coupon and the best part of all was that it wasn't crowded at all! I think this is how we will do it from now on, last year was absolutely crazy!

P.S. Can you say camera happy? I just want to prove to Lydia that we had a really fun time prior to having a baby, and it getting cold (I'm worried we won't be getting out quite as often!)
Love the mid air jump!
Lydia adores her cousin Bode, everywhere he goes she is sure to follow.
The darling Pedersen Family!
Cool Dude!
Lydia and Patrice raced
Playing in the water fountains

Riding the cows behind the tractor
Gotta love these kids
Raini and Clint
Yook mom!
My very own little mermaid
Tinkerbell, snow white and the little mermaid were at the farm!
I love this picture you can actually see the bee trying to attack Lydia
FEWF...the bee went away!


Shana Smith said...

Yay, get that baby out! I hope you can go into labor this weekend, but if you dont Tuesday is only a few days away! I am super excited to hear about it and to find out what this little Knudsens name is!! Good luck..

Patrice Pedersen said...

Your pictures are darling....Thanks for going!!!

NatBug said...

First of all, I love your skills with the camera, you are getting really good...cute pics! Secondly, good luck on Tuesday, the 5th is a great day to have a baby, I have a couple of special people in my life that share that birthday as well! Can't wait to see the little girly!

Kara said...

Haha...we always 'yook' at things too. :) I love the bee picture too. I love that she always has the red boots on.
I agree with NatBug, you are getting really good with the camera!

Unknown said...

Love her red boots! Can't believe how big she is getting! Best wishes on your upcoming delivery. I hope everything goes well and baby is healthy!

Jill Bowcutt said...

Ahh! Are you serious! I'm calling you today. I'll wait a few hours though. Even though you're probably up peeing right now anyway:) (or having a baby!!!)

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer