Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Knudsen Party of 4!

*** Side note-Chris and I finally came to an agreement on the name on Sunday night...I got my name that I had loved from day one! He did pick the middle name
Audrey Lynn Knudsen
So Monday I rushed to get the name all completed so she would come home to a finished nursery!

Well I can hardly believe it but my little Audrey is already a week old. I know it sounds weird but where does the time go? I am going to tell the birthing story so for those of you who don't want all the details feel free to just look at the pictures, I need to record it for my own purposes so I never forget that amazing experience!

For starters I knew that I was going to be induced on the 5th, but it was a bit of a waiting game. We had to call in at 6:00 am and find out when we would come in. My doctor had prepared me that I may not get called in until later that day. Luckily when I called in at 6:00 they said they want you here by 7:15 am (Yay for me, not so yay for Chris and Liddy!) We ended up making it there more like 8:15 due to trying to get my sleepy heads out of bed (ha ha ha!)

We finally made it to the hospital and they got me all checked into our room and set up on the patocin right away. Then came the contractions...I have a love hate relationship with contractions, yes I know they are good but when they cause pain I am a total baby. At 12:30 my doctor came in a broke my water, which it turns out my sac is made of steal, she worked for like 20 minutes to get it to finally break and when it did it was a very small trickle. Anyways by about 1:00 the contractions were starting to get more consistent and some what painful so I called for my epidural (ya I think I only had to endure two painful one's before I said bring on the good stuff doc!) Anyways once they gave me my epidural it slowed my contractions way down so they upped my patocin which in turn caused my contractions to go into overdrive and never stop. Luckily I couldn't feel them, but when you felt my stomach it was a giant knot. So they then slowed the patocin which slowed my contractions.

We thought for sure we would have this baby by about 3:00 so we were calling my mom non stop telling her to hurry up from work and get here. Only to have to wait quite a bit longer before she finally decided to make her debut. My doctor came in at about 5:00 and decided to check for the position of the baby because for some reason she wasn't decending into the canal at all. My doctor realized that she was in a weird position because she could feel the back of the baby's neck and not the top of her head. Also in the process all of my water decided to come gushing out. At this point the doctor had the nurse put me into some pretty weird positions to try to get the baby to turn. After about an hour of that my contractions were getting very consistent and they put the monitor into me that tells ya how strong they were and they were strong. The only problem was at this point every time I had a contraction the baby's heart rate would drop from 150 to about 90 which meant she was in distress and wasn't getting enough oxygen.

My doctor came in a prepped me for the fact that they may need to conduct a c-section, which at this point I didn't care how this baby got here so long as she was safe and sound so I was all for it. She also had the nurse put me on oxygen, pump water back into my belly to hopefully give the baby more room to turn and manuever in and then they put me a very strange position all in hopes that she would turn and I could deliver her normally. Finally at about 8:30 my doctor came in and said let's have ya push and just see if she has turned or is moving down the canal at all. One push and she was able to tell that I was going to be able to deliver this baby normal after all. She called off the emergency c-section and we started pushing. 20 minutes later out came our beautiful Audrey Lynn. She was born posterior which means face up, which I guess causes for some really intense labor (luckily I got induced, and luckily I had an epidural. So I didn't know the difference but I was sure glad to have her here safe and sound!

She was born 7 lbs 12 oz (Lydia was 7 lbs 11 oz) and Audrey was 20 1/2 inches long (Liddy was 21 1/2)

She has dark curly hair, long fingers and toes and is an absolute angel. She has seriously been the best baby ever, I don't know what I did right because she sleeps, poops and eats like a champ and is cuddly and so sweet. I have to say that she definitely brings an amazing spirit into our home.

Also Lydia has done much better than I expected. She has started saying "NO" a lot more often, but she is sweet and loving to Audrey. When she holds her she calls her "sweet heart!" I love my daughters and feel so blessed to have them in my life!

My little munchkin

The proud Daddy!

Our little family of 4
The proud mommy!
Audrey's first bath...in the hospital!
Big Sister!

She loves Audrey and calls her sweet heart

Such a little snuggle bug!

Gotta Love Sisters!
So precious!

My Grandma and Grandpa Favatella came down from Eureka to meet their newest great grand daughter!
My Favorite cousin Jordan and his wife and two daughters...are they not the cutest family ever!


holly said...

Kate wants to tell you, "I like her! She is so cute!"

So happy she is here safe and sound! Congrats again, she is beautiful :)

Ashley King said...

I won't lie that I have been somewhat obsessively checking your blog for pictures (haha)...she looks beautitful & love her hair! Glad you were able to avoid the C-section & that the epi kept you sane! Congrats to you, Chris, and Lydia :)

Shana Smith said...

Yay congratulations! I am so excited that everything went fairly well, and that the c-section was not necessary after all. She is a beauty and I love the name, I think the wife should ultimately get to chose, after all we do have to carry these children for a long long 9 months, and go through all those ups and downs of childbirth!! Anyway congrats, your little fam is adorable!

Heather Strong said...

Congrats!! She is so cute!! I am glad that everything went well.

Shay @ Sugarflies Designs said...

Congratulations!!! She is so precious, nice work! I love the name too :)

Hughes Family said...

Britt - I am so so happy for you guys. Audrey is a doll, and I am glad everything is ok.
What a great little family you have!!

Chelsea said...

Congrats Britt!! She is adorable, and seeing her all snugged up is making me SO baby hungry:)

Lisa said...

aawwwww......she is very beautiful, as well as you and your family!! Congratulations again!! Can't wait to see you back in dance again, but enjoy all the baby time you can, no rush though, things are going great with the other teachers!
Oh, I hope you don't mind if I add your blog to my blog list, coz I did!! ;)

NatBug said...

Oh Brit, she is so cute! I love little babies. I am glad that everything went well and that the c-section was avoided. I love the name Audrey Lynn...so cute! If I ever have a girl (haha) her name or middle name would have Lynn in it somewhere. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Alex, Brad, Carly & Devin said...

I have anxiously awaited this post! She is just adorable. We will all have to get together so we can all meet her. So happy all went well! Let us know when you are feeling up to it. We can all do lunch! Congrats Again. Lydia looks like she will be a GREAT big sister!

Jake and Kim said...

aww I love sisters! You and Chris will have some major trouble on your hands once they're both teenagers, they're so beautiful! I'm so glad she turned for you..sometimes babies can be so stubborn haha. I can't wait to meet Audrey, I SHOULD have her little friend by then, yippie!!

Kyle and Megan said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting for you guys and she is BEAUTIFUL!

Ashlee and Sam said...

Congrats!! Your little girls are so beautiful!! I was wondering if you were going to have her soon. I have not seen you in so long, hope all is well!!

Jill Bowcutt said...

I love her! What a sweet baby. I love the pics of her and Lydia together. Lydia suddenly looks so much older! Thanks for posting. I was afraid I was going to have to harass you again :) And sorry I'm not there to bring you dinner and make you treats :(

Shaunel said...

YAy! Congrats. Way to get the nursery together.. impressive! I LOVE that liddy calls her sweet heart. HA!

Sarah said...

Okay, I swear I wrote a comment when you posted this but, I came back to look at your pictures again and apparently I imagined commenting. SO, anyway.... Congrats!! She is so darling and I'm glad it all ended up smoothly. She is darling. And YOU look great :)

Kara said...

She is so beautiful! Glad everything worked out okay!

P.S. I thought I was your favorite cousin. :)
P.S.S. Why do I know your cousin's wife???

The Searle Family said...

Congratulations!! I love her name and she is so cute:)

www.OgazFamily.blogspot.com said...

Oh gosh, not sure how I missed this, but congratulations!!!!!!!

Catherine said...

CONGRATULATIONS! She is perfect!

Lots of Love & Best Wishes!

Jen and Fielding said...

Okay, so I randomly stumbled onto your blog and wanted to tell you congrats and that your daughter is going to be amazing! ;)

She and I actually share a birthday (10/5) and we were both born breech. It was just an interesting coincidence.

Congrats again though she's almost three. =)

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer