Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dun, Dun, Dun...THE DENTIST!!!

Well a couple of weeks ago Lydia and I went to the dentist. It was my first time in 3 yrs and Lydia's first time ever. She absolutely LOVED it, she watched me get my teeth clean and by the end she was telling me to get out, because it was her turn. Well I knew she had a few cavities and so a week later we were back to get them filled. I was horrified that she was going to freak out.

Our good friend Brian Black is our dentist...sort of weird but we have known each other since we were in kindergarten (ha ha ha!) Anyways who would've thought he would be drilling on my child's cavities.

Anyways we got there and they put Lydia on the laughing gas, instantly she was ultra relaxed. I can honestly say I have never seen her so still while she was awake. She did great with the shots, and all the drilling. By the 4th tooth (yes she ended up having 5 cavities) she was sick of it and started to cry. Luckily all she had left was to fill one tooth, so we took a little break and then finished.

She did AMAZING!!! It was pretty sad/funny afterwards she was complaining that her teeth were big (I am sure because of the numbing they felt rather large. She also had a little trouble gauging how to drink her water bottle, needless to say it ended up all over her lap.

All in all it wasn't the nightmare that I thought it was going to be, and we are now going to be sure to give her the flouride drops, and brush morning and night and floss. Yes we were only brushing them at night and I wasn't giving her the flouride drops. Anyways hopefully the next check up we don't find any cavities and hopefully she never has to go through that again!


RyanandHailee said...

Wow!!! That is so awesome she did so good!!! You just never know how kids will react even for cleanings but they are definately my favorite patients to clean. I love Brian he is a great Dentist! I have worked for him a few times and his patients love him! She is so dang cute and little in the Chair! Love it :)

Jake and Kim said...

hahahaha that picture of her zoned out on the chair with both arms out is too cute for words.

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer