Friday, April 22, 2011

Today you are 3

*Her birthday was actually yesterday (ha ha ha!)

Today you are 3...

Today you love milk more then anything (including pop)

Today you love to hold my hand while walking.

Today you love daddy and me to read you stories before bed.

Today you love to play Barbies, and always want everyone to play them with you.

Today you love watching "Olivia" and loves movies like Aladdin, A Bug's Life, Shrek, Toy Story and Princess and the Frog

Today you love saying "Watch this"

Today you love to play with friends...and any little kid you see is your "friend"

Today you love to sing songs like ABC's, row row row your boat, twinkle twinkle, the wheels on the bus, Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, London bridges...and many many more.

Today you love to make Audrey laugh by making silly faces and doing silly things.

Today you love to play outside with Che', but you make us hold his collar while you go down the slide because he get's so excited and jumps on you.

Today you LOVE to have your arm and back tickled

Today you like to get yourself ready and you love putting on your own shoes.

Today you love going on the potty like a big girl!

Today your favorite color is red, and you love to have your finger nails painted red too.

Today you love talking on the phone, and love to tell everyone about the fun things you do with mommy all day.

Today you love to play school...and you are always the "Teacher"

Today you say "popasoar" for popcicle, "funge bob" for Sponge Bob, "farties" for smarties.

Today you love to point out every airplane and helicopter you see.

Today when you wake mommy and daddy up you say "HEY it is morning time...not MOON time!"

Today you love to drive with the window down

Today you aren't afraid of many things, but you have bad dreams every once in a while and you sleep in our room when you do.

Today you give out hugs and kisses to anyone and everyone.

Today you are very stubborn, and bossy but also very sweet and willing to say sorry.

Today when you do something you know you shouldn't you say "Sorry mom, it is all my fault"

Today when I get ready you tell me I look "Stylish"

Today you love to tell me who the manaquins are (mommy's or daddy's babies or little brothers) Old Navy is your favorite because they have a dog manaquin

Today you love the Dino Museum and would go there every day if you could

Today you are 3, I could go on and on but today I am so lucky to have you in my life. I can't imagine what life would be like without you. There is not a day that goes by that I am not amazed by how smart, and cute, and funny, and stubborn you are all at once. I feel so LUCKY and BLESSED to have you in our family!

P.S. Birthday Party Pictures coming was one fun PARTAY!!!


l.k. said...

that was so sweet britt! awe... i wish i could've seen her party - i heard it was insane! happy birthday lydi! i love you!

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer