Well I have felt so blessed to be able to do what I love every single day, and still have the opportunity to stay home with my cutie Lydia. The studio has exceeded my expectation of success, and as such it is time to hire on some help. I figured I would look to those I trust first and then hit the craigslist and ksl arena. Let's be honest this is my baby (i.e. the studio) and I wouldn't just trust it to any joe schmoe off the street so a referral actually means a lot to me. If you know of anyone interested in teaching a few dance classes,in the fall, and possibly starting to sub this spring, just so the girls and parents can get to know ya please let me know! I am looking for someone with studio experience, very dependable and great with kids. I would have to know that it is someone who is as committed to my studio being successful as I am, I know I sound a little obsessive, but it is really important to me. So if you know of anyone please have them either e-mail me or call me and we can set up a time to talk. Also they can check out the blog to sort of get a sneak peak, it isn't a big studio but I have the best girls around!
January info
5 years ago
Hmmm. You have peaked my curiosity! I would love to teach in your studio but I don't know that I would have time to do it. Plus, it would take a ton of driving for me. Maybe I will be there to help out someday later down the road. I am so jealous that you still get to dance!
This is clint, I am ready, sign me up
Clint, ya got the job for sure!
That is great that your studio is doing so well that you need another person to help out! I am proud of you....I'll tell ya what, if I was having a girl I would for sure send her to you, but for now I will refer my neighbors if I hear that they are looking!
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