Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Our Valentines/Presidents day getaway!

Well we went on a little weekend getaway with our good friends the millers. I did take some pictures but now my camera is officially MIA (not my nice camera, my "always in my purse" to pacify Liddy or to capture those spur of the moment happy times.) Anyways on the trip it sort of died anyways so I didn't have all that many pics to begin with, but It was a fun trip and so even though I don't have pics I'm going to paint a vivid picture of how fun it was (ha ha ha!)

Here are some of the highlights...
1. Quizno's in Nephi, it is officially my favorite place to eat on the road. Colby and I discovered our complete and utter hatred of "SUBWAY!" I would rather eat a big fat bloody steak than eat at Subway...sorry if you are a fan I still love ya (ha ha ha!)
2. Colby always being lost, because we would forget he didn't know where he was going and would get in our own conversations (sorry colb!)
3. Staying at Meg's grandma's...she was so gracious and seriously has a BEAUTIFUl home. We especially loved laying out fully clothed by her pool it was so relaxing and just what we all needed.
4. The amazing homes at the "Parade of Homes!" We saw everything from a kitty terrarium, cool theaters, amazing playrooms, and darling little Casita's! At the end it was agreed that #25 just couldn't be beat.
5. The Gun Barrel, 1st time there was just to use the restrooms (the guy was a little rude, but still let us use them.) 2nd time, later that same day we decided to actually go there to eat. We were rudely informed they don't have booths, and that they wouldn't accept our coupon that we had. What did we do, we kindly got up and Chris called and complained...see how you do without my business (I'm virtually vegetarian, so I'm sure they aren't too sad ha ha ha!) 6.The outlet's where Chris bought a totally 80's sweater that he is still trying to convince me is cool.
7. Everything Lydia did saying "Colbeee look!" "Meg LOOK!" She was obsessed with them. Since obviously they call Chris by his name by the end of the trip Lydia was officially referring to her daddy as "Chis" it was pretty funny to hear her yell "Chis, I want cookies..."
8. Winging it and going to the mesquite for our final night of Vacay. We were pretty excited that we got a room, until we actually saw it. We booked it through the Casa Blanca but it was at the OASIS and it was a DUMP! But we didn't spend all that much time there and it was an adventure.
9. Chris forcing COlby and Meg to gamble for the first time, getting all the way across town and Chris realizing that he left his wallet on the slot machine where he was demonstrating on. Luckily some kind old ladies and a cowboy found it and turned it in...whhheeewww nothing was missing.
10. Eating at the Casa Blanca buffet which brought back some serious childhood memories...ok, ok I will tell. So every year we used to go to Mesquite and go to Lake Mead. Well my little bro Derek is allergic to shrimp but has this obsession with popcorn shrimp. Every year my parents would remind Derek not to eat the shrimp and every year he would devour plates and plates of it only to make himself sooo ill. Anyways one year I brought my bff (Rachel Simkins) and we went to the buffet for brunch and then hit the road. About the time we hit the canyon before St. George Derek sheepishly yells Dad, pull over. As my dad frantically tries to get the huge saburban with boat pulled to the side of the road Derek calmly says "OOOHHH NNNOOO!" At which point he puts his fingers up to the middle of his lips to stifle the puke. Well the force was too great and it was forced out of the side of his lips only to hit Rachel dead in the face. It was quite disturbing at the time, but quite hilarious to look back on now~! Anyways sorry long side note. We took a pic and sent it to Derek for Valentines as a friendly reminder (ha ha ha!)

11 The highlight of the trip was the amazing use and amount of times that we were able to successfully use the line...

"That's what she said!"

Anyways it was a blast, Meg and Colb thanks again for a great trip! It was an adventure as usual! Hope you guys had as much fun as we did!
P.S. Lydia has woken up every morning since asking for Cobee and Meg, I have to tell her they are sleeping and that they can't come and play to get her mind off of it (ha ha ha!)

So I found my camera, here are a couple of the pics I took!

Playing at the Casa Blanca pool, Lydia went down the slide with Chris and didn't even cry...well until she got out of the pool and decided she was tired that is.

At the parade of homes she found this horse that she had to show each one of us individually, she was pretty excited about it.

At this point she is saying "Cobee, Meg LOOK!"

The cat terrarium, we took this for Carol Miller, Colby's step-mom. She has a kitty that she adores, we thought that this would make a nice addition to their house!

One day when I am RICH (ha ha ha!) I want an infinity pool, oh how I love they way they look!


Chelsea said...

How fun! Mini-getaways are so much fun! It's amazing what getting out of "your town" can do for you. I think it's so fun that you're such good friends with Colby and his wife, I've never met her, but Colby is one of the nicest/funniest guys I remember.

Alex, Brad, Carly & Devin said...

Looks like you guys had so much fun! Lydia sounds like so much a a two year old already!

Janeen said...

gotta love the fast getaways!! So much fun. Amazing what a fast trip can do for us moms huh?

Meg said...

I was laughing again just reading about our trip. Too funny.

Momma Fish said...

I can't believe we didn't run into you. We did the Parade of Homes too. I want to live in St. George one day.

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer