Well Chris and I have been talking lately and we decided that we really don't love odd numbers...so we decided to make it even. We are so excited to announce that a new little Knudsen will be joining our family around October 12th! We had been trying for a couple of months and to our surprise on the 29th of January we found out that we are expecting!!! I went to the Dr. today and am measuring right on track, I counted the weeks wrong I thought I was 8 but really I am only 7 weeks along (what can I say I'm pretty excited!) I go in tomorrow to do a transvaginal ultrasound, to hear the heart beat and get a better measurement of everything. We are so excited for Lydia to be a big sister and to have a new little one running around. We feel so blessed and even though I don't love getting fat, I love the final outcome! So if you notice a little extra junk in my trunk don't be afraid to ask now...how far along are you (ha ha ha!)

That is so exciting Britt!! Congrats.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! So exciting!! Congrats!
That's awesome. I was actually just thinking about that earlier today, and wondering when you guys were going to have another. Congratulations!!!
DUDE Brittani I'm not gonna lie, I totally knew it. There were so many clues on Saturday night when we saw you guys!!! hahahaha I even told Jake...Brittani's totally pregnant! I WAS SO RIGHT!! CONGRATS!!
Congratulations, that is awesome!
Congrats! I wish I had read this before dance today, that is so exciting! Hope you are feeling okay! We will see you at the Monday or Tuesday class next week, sorry about Lexi's melt down!
Yay! That's so exciting! Congrats!
congrats!!! that is so exciting! so, i guess you don't need to "borrow" my baby for lydia.....although it might be good practice :)
Jandie & I were just saying a few weeks ago that we bet you guys would have another soon, LOL! CONGRATS to you both, so exciting! :D
Britt -
That is so awsome! Congratulations to you guys!
I just have to say I totally called it. When you posted that help wanted post, I told Brad I thought you were pregnant. We are so excited for you! I told Chris that apparently 2010 was the year for babies and to get started on that. Congrats again! Yay!
Abbie Ogaard told me you were pregnant a couple weeks ago! :) So glad it's announced so now I can say CONGRATS!
How funny... after I read your last post about how old Lydia is I started wondering if you guys were making any plans on adding to your family. Congrats! I'm sure Lydia will make an excellent big sister. (And will probably be your little helper, you will love it.)
Yay for you!!! How exciting! And I must say, I am very sad I couldn't apply for your part-time "help" in your studio.... I would have loved to do something like that. What a fun life you have!! :)
That is awesome Brit! I am so happy and excited for you guys! There sure are going to be alot of babies born in 2010. I even have another friend that you know that is due the day after you, but the cat isn't out of the bag yet! YEAH...CONGRATS!!!
Oh yeah, Tristan was due the 13th and I had him the 15th. So close...
Really? I am so dang excited for you! um, I don't know why you don't love getting fat, cause I know that I do. ;)
That is so exciting. Congrats. I just hate being pregnant when skinny people are pregnant too. It makes me feel even fatter. So don't feel bad if I don't stand next to you for a few months.
That is so exciting! Congrats! Keep me posted on how you are doing! It was good to see you yesterday!!
That is so funny... I have had like three dreams in the past 6 months that you were prego! I think I might have even asked you once because I thought maybe you told me you were and I forgot! We are so happy for you guys!
Just have to tease you for a second....did you really put the word transvaginal on your blog? I guess I have posted the words dammit and hell on mine so it's ok:) Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant! JK.We're so excited for you guys.
YAHOO!!! Congrats you guys. Andrew and I were just wondering when it was going to happen again, now the twins will have a friend!!!
YAY, congrats, I am very very excited for you! No worries I get HUGE too, at least we can have each other who feel the same pain!!!! Ha Ha
Yeeeaaah! So when you were looking at that shirt at layers saying you could wear it pregnant there was a little more meaning to that huh! Congrats! I'm glad we'll have someone to figure out the whole two kids thing with!!
CONGRATULATIONS! That's so exciting! Pregnancy definetly has it's ups and downs but like you said it's all worth it! Very exciting, So happy for you guys!
YEAH!!!!!! I am so excited for you guys. That is so awesome! And you will never look fat!
Yay!!! Britt i'm so stoked for you!! I can't wait to see this little one!!! That's got to be so exciting!!! Congratulations!!!
Congratulations! Meg told me the news awhile ago, so glad it's out in the open now:) Can't wait to find out what you are having. Hope you are feeling okay!
JOY!!! Congrats!!
Congrats!!! Matt and I are so excited for you! Lydia will be a great big sister :)
That is awesome congratulation!
Congrats! I can't believe how big Lydia is getting! We are back in SJ so when dance starts again in the fall, I'll have to get the girls started back up! I can't wait to see your belly get big and see your new baby!
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