Thursday, February 11, 2010

Things that must GO and Stay!

So my friend Ashley occasionally does a post about things that must go, every time she does I laugh because I can totally relate but when it comes down to it I can't think of anything at the time to add to her list. Well a few things have been building up and so here goes...this is my "Things that must go" list!

1. Having to go to 3 yes I repeat 3 different stores to find conversation hearts that aren't tropical fruit flavored and the size of my head.
2. Finally finding regular good old fashioned hearts, and them obviously being older then I am due to how rock hard they are.
3. East side drivers, I'm sorry I hate the whole east side/west side deal but let's be honest find the petal and DRIVE!
4.Going to Wal-mart and them running out of things (I think it is only the Wal-mart in riverton though) so chalk one up for the east side.
5. Construction going on across the street that shakes my house until I'm sure it is coming down.
6. People who leave their garbage cans out for days, upon days (really is it that hard?)
7. When Thursday's on NBC they don't' air new Community, Parks and Rec, The Office and 30 entire week depends on those 2 hours (yes I am that pathetic.)
8. My daughters snotty nose and her running away from me every time I try to wipe it.
9. Che' shaking off every time he enters the house, instantly sending white dog hair EVERYWHERE...AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10. The checker at Costco telling me the movie that I am buying (The time traveler's wife, which I loved btw!) is WEIRD. Then when I try to tell her that the book is much better she goes on to tell me how good "Dear John" was...sorry I hate the guy in that movie, if you have ever seen G.I. Joe you know why and just because she said my movie sucked and her's was good I refuse to see it SO THERE perm lady at Costco.

Here are some things that must stay...
1.Lydia clapping her hands and saying Babe get up...NOW!!! (I had previously tried to get Chris out of bed in a very similar way!)
2.Lydia calling Chris Babe (ha ha ha!)
3.Cute valentines from my dance girls.
4. A kid in primary flipping another kid off (OK I know I'm off base but it was hilarious!)
5. The Alchemist, I am almost finished and I have really enjoyed reading this book not sure what it is going to be about in the end but I'm taking a lot from this that I need.
6. Del Taco...we need one out by us so Chris and I can make our 2 am Del taco runs again...I had a quesadilla for lunch today (they are the BOMB!!!)
7. My comfy costco, ugg wanna be shoes, I want to wear them forever and ever!
8. Lydia wiping her nose, then mine and then making sure that "Olivia" the pig on T.V. got her nose wiped too.
9. My husband giving me funny looks while I'm crying during a movie to make me laugh uncontrollably.
10. Running MWF with my back door neighbor Jill, it has seriously been the best release both physically and mentally to have someone to bounce ideas off of, and relate to. Not going to lie I look forward to 6:30 am just because of that!


Jake and Kim said...

haha! I am literally laughing out loud!! The Costco perm lady thing is hilarious, I love that Lydia is so stinkin cute, and DIDDO on the garbage can thing!! Oh and how could you NOT laugh at the primary kid thing...good stuff good stuff.

holly said...

totally agree with putting away your garbage of my biggest pet-peeves!!! lydia...what a cutie!!

Ashley King said...

Was that slow east side driver you were behind named Bill Clarke? I love that Lydia calls Chris "babe" haha!

Sarah said...

HA! Loved it, SO funny! I'll have to try it sometime. Seriously, I'm still laughing....

l.k. said...

I'm glad that you are reading the Alchemist. Seriously, it's like my favorite book ever. (But then again, I don't read a lot of fiction.) You are hilarious and I just love you.

The Richards said...

Lydia has such a personality... I love it. I feel like she shouldn't be old enough to be doing all the things she does... but it's probably cause I haven't seen her in forever. And I didn't even know the conversation hearts came in tropical flavors... sounds really gross.

Meg said...

Ha ha!! Love your post! Who flipped off who?

Hansen Family said...

seriously some a kid flipped another off at church? that is hilarious only because I am sure it wasn't my child. (or was it?) i love that lydia calls chris babe! we need to do another game night!!

Chels said...

I LOVED it when you said "so THERE perm lady at Costco"! And I never saw G.I. Joe because I heard it was so I want to see it just because it must really be bad if EVERYONE I know hates it...maybe it will be a good laugh :)

And what is it with there only being tropical fruit conversation hearts? Lame. Hopefully after the uproar this Valentine's season created they will fix it next year.

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer