April 21st, 2010
Lydia Turns Two!!!

Lydia wanted pancakes for breakfast...her all time favorite!

I figured when your two you can use a little practice blowing out candles so we did it at breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Lydia was so cute, she loved it when we sang happy birthday to her

You can tell she has a lot of determination to blow those candles out...OOOHHH I love that girl!

My little girl is growing up...sad!

I let Lydia choose out what kind of a cake she wanted, I was pulling for a red velvet but she was very set on pink (it was really gross btw ha ha ha!)
April 25th Birthday Party day!

Lydia absolutely adores her Nana

Chris and his parents doing a little BBQ-ing!

Grandpa working hard to put Lydia's gift together...no instructions used of course!

Lydia and her "Fun Uncle" ha ha ha
Lydia has fake phone conversations with her Uncle Tyler all the time...ha ha ha!

BAOOONNNSSSS...as Lydia calls them! We have watched up even more times than usual because the balloons remind her of the movie!

Our amazing families!

My brother Derek and his darling Girlfriend Ashlie...we think she is a keeper (hint, hint!)

Lydia loves her uncle Justin and Aunt Lindsey
Aren't they darling?
Opening present time...finally!

We got Lydia a "Lady Buggy" tri-cycle! She loves it but we are going to have to work with her on how to use it!

Just and LInds got her some gum (which she ate all that night) and this cute Owl for her room, she loves it. She asked me last night to open the owl, I think she thinks it is a piggy bank (ha ha ha!)

Her new stick horse from Grandma and Grandpa Knudsen, she loved it so much she took off on it and didn't want to open any other presents. We literally had to pull her back to them after she slammed her room door shut and made it clear she found her toy!

Her new red Cowgirl boots, She is definitely going to the Oakley Rodeo this year in Style!

Blowing out the candles on her cake, she was a little tired from no nap before or after church you can tell by the look on her face!

Yummy cup-cake!

Playing with her new sand/water table from Nana and Grandpa Hardman...she loves it so much! She went through three outfits and two baths yesterday and it is all I can do to keep her from going outside right now and getting dirty right now (ha ha ha!)
Thanks again to all of our amazing families for Lydia's darling presents and love and support!

So cute Brit, I loved your pictures of her party! She is so adorable, her little pig tails are so cute! I can't believe that she is already two years old...and now you have another little girly on the way...YEAH!!!
Looks like she had an awesome b-day! She is so stinkin' adorable :) The pigtails are just too cute.
what a sweet little girl! she is so cute. i can't beleive she is two, although owen is right behind her. looks like a fun birthday bash.
Happy Birthday to Lydia! She is so cute!
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