Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hacky Birthday to Lydia

Ok I know you are probably all thinking that I misspelled the title but actually Since April Lydia has been singing her own version of "Happy Birthday" and that is how she says it. She will sing "Hacky Birthday" to everyone she knows, except herself...but guess what today it is Lydia's turn! Anyways I can't believe that my baby is growing up, and who are we kidding it has flown by. I am such a baby but I am crying right now as I am writing this maybe it is the hormones and maybe I am just sad that my baby is growing up so fast. She went from sleeping in my arms, to sleeping in a big girl bed in what feels like the blink of an eye. I feel so blessed to have this little girl, she makes me laugh and seriously brings so much joy to my life. So Lydia I hope you know that your mommy and daddy are so excited for you to turn two, but no matter how big you get you will always be our little girl!

Today you are 2...

Today you love pancakes and strawberries for breakfast

Today you are still obsessed with your milk, your binky and your two blankies

Today you love to open the screen door and go outside and play with Che' in your jammies

Today you LOVE the show "Olivia" and your favorite movie is "UP"

Today when mommy or daddy says "I love you", you say "I love you more"

Today you love to dump out the plant beads out at Grandma and Nana Hardman's and you love it when Uncle Tyler and Derek will dance with you to "Gaba, Gaba"

Today you love to sing "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam" in the tub, and you jump when we sing Beam every time

Today you love the book "Where the wild things Are" and make mommy or daddy read it every night to you

Today you love to use your little blue stool to turn the lights on and off in the house

Today you love your cousins Bode and Raini, and say their names atleast 10 times a day if not more

Today you love to jump on Grandma and Grandpa Knudsen's tramp and play with Jinger

Today you love to give loves, and you always say sorry, tank you and a good girl!

Today you love ice cream, sour, suckers, pancakes, and nothing healthy (mommy needs to work on that)

Today you like to say "I'm gonna get you" and tickle mommy and daddy

Today you like to sit on the big girl potty, but not really go yet.

Today you love to play at the park and point out every slide you see anywhere.

Today you like to talk on the phone and you always say "I miss you"

Today you make your mommy and daddy laugh every day with the darling things you do and say.

Today you are going to be a big sister and I know you are going to love her just like you do your friends and cousins.

Today you like to stand on the side of the cart and ride in the grocery store, not sit in the basket anymore

Today you love to give Che' treats and pull his ears, and give him loves

Today your mommy and daddy love you more than all the world...Happy Birthday Lydia we LOVE you MOST!


Meg said...

I liked that post! It was fun to read all of those and I liked how you wrote it to her..Love that girl:) Happy Second Birthday Liddy!! Love, "Aunt" Meggie

Emily Call said...

Oh how cute is she? Happy Birthday cute girl.

Shana Smith said...

Oh, that brought tears to my eyes! My babe is right behind her, in a couple months, I will be wishing my boy a Happy 2nd Birthday as well! They do get big and grow up so fast, time just needs to slow down a little bit.... Happy Birthday Lydia.. Congrats on another little girl btw, so exciting!

Jake and Kim said...

Ok such a tender little post Brittani. I love it! One day she is going to LOVE to read that! I can't believe you have a 2 yr old, and another one on the way, seriously so exciting. Lydia is such an awesome little girl, I love her cute personality!

Clint and Jinger Miller said...

Sweet post!! Happy birthday Lydia! But who is this other jinger you mention(cat, dog)?

Blacks said...

Happy Birthday Lydia!! She is the cutest little thing... and how great that you are having another GIRL! Bring on more pink! It will be so fun to have sisters close in age, they're gonna love each other! Congratulations!

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday Lydia! It's so fun to read about her, she and Bear are so much alike, I'm sure they would be great friends :) And congrats on another girl, that is so exciting!

The Searle Family said...

Wow, I can't believe Lydia is 2! Time sure does fly. I just saw your post about having a GIRL! How exciting for you guys, that is so awesome. Congratulations!!!

Jill Bowcutt said...

I am just sick about this! Why do they have to grow up so dang fast? I had a minor meltdown yesterday while Tage was napping because I realized I only have a few more months with just Parker and I before he starts school. It's all day kindergarten here so when he starts in the fall thats it. For the rest of his life! There's nothing like jumping right into it I guess. We miss you guys. Tell Lydia happy birthday from Parker and Tage!

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer