Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Good, the bad and the ugly!

It is funny I went to lunch with my best friend the other day and we hadn't seen each other in a long time so...we were catching each other up on the latest in our lives. Of course we read each other's blogs so we sort of have an idea of what is going on but I was telling her a story that happened and she said "isn't it funny how we don't tell the whole truth in our blogs." I had blogged about a day and it seemed like the perfect little day, when in all reality it was an absolute disaster.

I started to wonder why is it that we always feel like we can only post about the happy parts, and that we have to leave the real parts out. Is it because there is enough bad in the world and enough to worry about as it is. Is it because when we look back a petty little fight or a "prego-melt down" will seem like nothing. To be honest I really don't know but I am bound and determined to be more HONEST in my blog. Now I don't plan on "airing out my dirty laundry" so to speak but maybe if I have bad days every once in a while maybe someone else does too and we can relate about the "good, the bad and the ugly!"

Sometimes I come away from reading other peoples blogs and I feel bad about my life, I think how is it that they are so happy and so put together and so perfect and here I am sitting at my computer reading other people's blogs while I have laundry to do, and a shower to take, amongst other things. I think the point I am really trying to get at is that my conversation with Meg made me realize that it is ok to be real, it is ok to have a bad day so long as I don't only focus on those days and moments and remember the good as well. So Meg thanks for the reality check, and for the reminder that it is ok to have a bad day!

P.S. On a side note I think that there are other bad days that really only a best friend can truly understand...ha ha ha!


Sarah said...

Britt, this is SO true! I think everyone that reads blogs feels the same way.... I once read an article about blogging that said "If it makes you feel bad about your own life to read someone else's blog, you should stop reading it" Of course everyone makes their life seem perfect on paper, that's what editing is for :) This was a good reminder for me. I've always tried to post about some of the "bad" so that it makes the "good" that much more sweet. Honestly-YOU'RE life seems perfect to me, but I know it's not because NO ONE'S life is perfect :) I love reading you're blog, it's one of my favorite's because you are so amazing and so hilarious and I admire you so much. I'm so glad we can keep in touch through blogging, you were always such a great friend to me and I love ya! Sorry for the looong comment, but I just really liked this post :)

Kara said...

You're life seems perfect to me too. :) I love the blogs that are true and put it all out there. There is one that is so true about motherhood and makes me laugh and compare my life to her all the time. Her blog is Glamazon Mormon Mom ( You should check her out. Hope you are feeling good and not having any more pregnancy sickness!

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer