I know I posted about Lydia making the move into her big girl bed and I wanted to post the final pics of her room...for posterity purposes! Anyways it has been a pretty seamless transition. We have had one night where Chris had to lay in there until she fell asleep but she took way too late of a nap and was in sort of a funk. But nap times and bed times have been totally fine. It is always funny to me though when I put her down with nothing in her bed and when she wakes up I find all sorts of toys and books. It is so funny to me how much she really loves her freedom. I have also woken up to her a few mornings causing mischief. One morning I found her in the bathroom flushing tons of toilet paper. Another morning she took her little stool around to all the lights in the house and turned them all on (this was at 6:00 am) and another morning she let Che' out of his room, anyways she loves her big girl bed and I love it too. Now reading to her each night is a ritual and has become a very bright part of my day! Anyways here are the pics of the new room!

Her little forest mural...she loves the owls!

I was obsessed with the "Brooke" collection at pottery barn but it was way too expensive, so I was so excited when "Target" came out with their knock off!

I think Lydia's room fits her...a little wild! (ha ha ha!)

What can I say, I think she likes all the new space!
That room is adorable!!
Cute room. I like her photo of her sleeping. ha, ha, ha.......
I LOOOOOVED the Brooke collection from Pottery Barn Kids. I wanted to get the crib collection in case I ever have a girl but I think they have discontinued it :(. The bedroom is so cute! We need to move Emmett into a bigger bed but I am just not excited for it. He really needs the space though!
Her bedding is adorable, where did you get it???! I loved the big "boy" bed transition. Your life seems a bit easier, and with baby #2 on the way it's good to get he in her own new bed so she doesn't feel like the baby is taking her bed. She has such a fun room!
SOOOOO cute!! Seriously, can you just re-decorate my whole house?
Super cute. I LOVE to see that she still has a binki. Makes me feel much better!
So cute, Brit, I love it when Target does knock-offs of Pottery Barn and Babies R Us. BTW-our current pediatrician is in Murray and with us living in Riverton, I am starting to look for a new ped. Who do you take Lydia to? Where are they located?
That bedding is so fun, I love it! Miss Lydia is moving up in the world!
This girl makes me laugh with all of the stuff she does in the morning. And I love that she takes toys into her bed. Hailey does the same thing... we used to find them under the pillows because she would try to hide them when we would come in to check on her.
Oh my... that is so cute! We seriously need to hang out this weekend - it has been forever. I feel like I never get to talk to you anymore. But I freakin love you Britt :)
it is so stinkin' cute. I love the picture of Lydia completely zonked out! so cute.
That is so adorable Brit!!! Oh you lucky people with girls!
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