Monday, February 23, 2009

10 months going on...10 years!

Well Lydia is 10 months and I swear that girl is sassy. She is so independant, and so stubborn. You see more of her personality every day. She seriously has so much energy that I can hardly keep up, and she is just growing and learning new things every day. She is crawling all over, saying more words and sounds every day, and really recognizing people that she does and doesn't know. She has started to get a little stanger anxiety which can be hard, especially on the girls that watch her while I teach dance. But over all she is just so much fun and I just love evry second I get with the little toad. So here are a few ( ha ha ha) pics of Lydia and what she's been up to!

If you aren't sure where to find Lydia you can always follow the messes that she makes while crawling around the house. Is she pulling diapers and blankets out of her changing table...No!

Is she pulling wet wipes out in the family room...No

Is she opening the lid drawer and pulling lids out?You bet she is...any chance she gets!
Lydia and Deni getting ready to go to breaks my heart that these two are growing up so fast! We can't wait for Deni to move closer so we can play again!

She has a sideways smile just like her dad!
She lucked out and got Chris' eyelashes!
I love her grey eyes...with a little spot of brown!

She loves making messes with her "bitter bisquit"

Lydia stands up on anything she can!

Her favorite thing to eat are these things called "Baby Mum Mum's" they are awesome because I can give her the whole rice cake and she can devour the entire thing by herself!

I was trying to get a good shot of her teeth, she is such a wiggle worm it is actually very difficult. This was the best I could get, so don't mind that she is cut off in the pic (ha ha ha!)

Lydia loves to clap for you think she has some adoring parents that clap about everything she does?
She has also learned how to go "Ba ba ba " by putting her hand in her mouth and shaking it!

Lydia now claps for herself whenever she feels she has done something good! Or just because she can! It is so funny because when she claps she also says "YEAH!"
One of Lydia's favorite past times is playing through the sliding glass door with Che'
Brush em, brush em brush em!

Lydia would stay in the bath for hours if I let her!

Lydia loves to play around after bath-time! She is quite the little fanny wac


NatBug said...

She is such a cutie must have so much fun with her. Although her messes may frustrate you, they always leave good memories. When Tristan was a baby, I went into his room to find him and he crawled on top of his changing table and when I walked in he was like an albino. He had a hold of the baby powder and it was everywhere. At the time I was so pissed at the mess, but now I think about it and laugh! He loves to hear that story all of the time too!!!

BTW-have you every let Lydia play with Che, where she can actually touch him? My babies loved playing with dogs in person. You just have to make sure that the dogs temperment is right...really cute though, I love all of your pics!!!

Jake and Kim said...

I love these pics! My favorite is her outfit in the pic of her standing against the chair...I love her sock things!!

Sarah said...

Brit, she is SOOOOOO adorable!! It makes me laugh at all the things she is doing because Baron is right there along with her. I will HAVE to meet her someday! P.S. Are you going to go with your mom to the stake womens conference in March? I go with my mom every year and it would be so great to see you!

Alex, Brad, Carly & Devin said...

She is so cute! Just makes my heart melt. Just wait when she starts walking you wont ever have time to clean up her messes. Before you know it she'll throw all her toys down the stairs, that fit through the railing. And get into the shampoo bottle and end up with it all over her and the floor. You have so much more in store!

Unknown said...

Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! It was fun to learn more about you too when you posted your 25 Things. I still can't believe how big Lydia is getting. She's almost a year old! Such a cutie :)

Catherine said...

She is soooo cute! What a fun age. I love all the fun pictures of her little "activities" around the house. Hope you guys are well.

Anonymous said...

She is gorgeous Britt! Well done!

sadie said...

Love the path of messes she leaves behind. She is getting so big! Ava loves baby mum mums too! We need to have a playdate!

Kara said...

She is so adorable. Don't you love those leggings. That's pretty much all that Madison wears around the house. So much easier than putting on pants! I love the picture of her teeth. Madison got her first one, but you can't even look at it...let alone get a camera near her to take a picture!

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm let me lick your little puffy baby pu--y I love the taste of baby

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer