Monday, February 16, 2009


Valentines 2009
Well Valentines this year was quite the day. I did the 14 days of Valentines for Chris so each day he got a little surprise. A few of my favorites were new sheets (he had been complaining about how horrible our Wal-mart special sheets were, and I figured we both won with that present!) new hangers, super glue, candy, a new DVD, pomade, new garments, 1 hour back I realize that these probably seem really practical but if you know Chris you know he is a very practical person so he was extremely excited about his gifts.
The night before Valentines he surprised me with a new cell phone (my old one had been slobbered on and sucked on so many times by Lydia that I could hardly hear out of it!) He also surprised me with a coupon to get my hair done (which I also needed desperatly)
So to culminate the 14 days of Valentines I got Olive Garden "To Go" Which has somehow become a valentines tradition since we've been married. We put Lydia down, had our delicious dinner and watched season three of Lost. Now this doesn't sound too exciting or much different than a typical Saturday night for us, but it was just fun surprising eachother! During dinner we reminiced about what we were doing last Valentines and yes we were living at the farm, and yes Chris surprised me with a candle lit "olive garden to go" Dinner next to the blazing fire! It was quite romantic and so much what I needed. I was 7 months along and farily large! I took pictures of it because Chris really did go all out! And the year before that Chris surprised me with Che' our little yellow lab. It is so fun to think back about the changes that have happened over the 3 1/2 years we've been together and to remember how lucky we truly are to have one another!

Chris did an awesome job of turning the upstairs of the farm into a romantic dinner for two!

Che was my Valentines surprise two years ago (don't mind my red nose...It must've been cold!)


NatBug said...

Sounds like Chris spoils you!!! Lucky girl! Sometimes I just like spending time in with take out too, especially Olive Garden take-out!! MMMMM!!!!!

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer