Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April 21st, 2008...Baby Day!

The time has finally come...

Where we were 1 year ago!

Ok so I wasn't kidding when I said that this is one long drawn out story and so here comes the finale!

Sunday night was probably the worst, I was now very tired going on no sleep for almost 48 hours and I have eaten very little beacuse I'm in so much pain. We continued the kettle bath's which was the only thing at this point that gave me any sort of relief, I even fell alseep a couple of times in there (that can't be safe) Anyways the worst part about it is that now I'm worried that I am not going to have Lydia and I have absolutely no extra days to take off from work, because every day I take off now is one less I get with her when she is actually here. So I am freaking out thinking I am going to have to go to work and teach school, luckily I got work off at the studio (yes I was still teaching dance at this point, the parents loved seeing me do my leg extensions 9 months prego, it was hot!) Anyways and everyone I talk to is like you can be in labor like this for weeks before you actually have the baby, especially with your first one. So all through the night I'm having contractions and praying that I will have the baby.

In the morning we decided to set up a dr. appointment with my Dr. instead of going to the hospital (if I had known how expensive it was going to be I would've tried to be a little tougher, we spent about $3000.00 alone on the false alarms!) Anyways so we got an appointment right at 9:00 I go in there expecting that he is going to tell us exactly what the hospital has told us 3 times "You are effaced but not dialated! I look like crap (I swear so many people's pictures right after they have a baby they look so cute, that is what I imagined for myself but no I looked like a beached whale that was about to explode!) So we get into Dr. Barton's office, who by the way is the best dr. ever, I love him and am so sad that I will have to find a new dr. for our next kids because our insurance changed.

Anyways we finally get into him and he has heard from the Dr. on call about all the false alarms and I'm sure he can tell that I'm pretty emotional so he checks and it's good news I was finally dialated and to a 4. I was so excited I kissed Dr. Barton and told him he was my hero. So it was off to the hospital. We got all checked in, we were in this room with a beautiful view, and it was an absolutely georgous day. It was sunny and perfect weather just like today infact. So we got in and the nurse asks so are you going to be doing an epideral, and if so when would you like it. "NOW, will work fine!" I am telling you once they got the epideral in I was a happy camper, I could have 10 kids if as soon as the contractions start they hook me up to that thing, it was amazing. I took a nap, my parents came and we were just all hanging out shooting the breeze all so excited for the new arrival that was shortly coming. So at about 12:00 Dr. Barton came to check on me and I was at a 6 more good news but there was some bad news Lydia was posterior and he thought that I may have to have a C-section. I had some amazing nurses that heard Dr. Barton and so they tried some different positions that help the baby turn. She was one stubborn baby...no big surprise. At about 4:15 my parents and Chris headed to the cafeteria to get some much needed food (especially for Chris) The nurses came in at about 4:30 and said you are at a 10 lets start pushing so we called them and they came rushing back. By the time Dr. Barton came in we were in progress and so he decided to let it ride and see if Lydia would turn. I pushed from 4:45-5:54 finally at about 5:53 Dr. barton did an epesiotimy (sp) and she instantly turned and out she came. It was the most amazing moment of my life.

Side note I had asked my mom to be in the room with me, but it all happened so fast that my dad sort of got caught in there as well. He stayed at the head of the bed but it was pretty funny. He was trying to be helpful and kept getting in the way of the nurses and so finally he was on fanning duty, he took a clipboard and would fan me, he did get some pretty amazing pictures though of Lydia just moments after she was born. They are pretty graphic but they are absolutely amazing! Poor chris he was so nervous that he didn't want to really have to do anything but they sort of just throw you into it whether you want to or not, so he was a total trooper other then the fact that about half way through the pushinghe pulled my IV out and I was bleeding everywhere (ha ha ha!)

So at 5:54 our lives changed in a way that only a mother can understand. We were so blessed to have this new little life come into our family. It was a decision that was met with much adversity, which is always what happens when you make the right choice.

Lydia Ann Knudsen came out weighint 7'11'' and 21 inches long. She had these big blue eyes, and she just stared up at me like she knew who I was. I love that little girl and will never forget April 21st, 2008! So Happy birthday baby girl!

Lydia then....and Now!


Ashley King said...

It was so fun reading your whole labor journey...thanks for sharing it! Happy birthday sweet Lydia!!

Anonymous said...

How cute is she! I saw her picture on Good Things this morning. So cute! Doesn't the time just fly?! Cherish every second!

Sarah said...

Loved your story... so funny that you went in so many times. I was scared of being sent home with Baron, so I refused to go in until I couldn't bare it anymore, and when I finally went in, I was at an 8! So your smart- I'm not :)

NatBug said...

I loved reading your birth story! Being a mom and having gone through labor myself, I teared up a little thinking about all the emotions that you go through during labor, but it is all so worth it! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

spread those legs show me that little pu--y

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer