Sunday, April 12, 2009

It was an eggcellent Easter!

***This is a long one that involves throwing up and diarhea***

Ok so I'm kind of eggsagerating about how eggcellent our Easter all honesty it was not one to write home about (but it is one to blog about!)

It really started on Friday. We went over to our friend Bill and Jandie's house for dinner and to dye easter eggs. We were the first one's there which looking back was a miracle and lucky. We had only been there a couple of minutes and Lydia threw up (were not talking spit up we are talking projectile, head spinning, exercist throw up.) So we thought maybe she just had an upset stomach and after she threw up she seemed fine, well she played with Alex her new little buddy for a while and was acting tired so I went to put her down. Gave her a bottle and she started acting like she was going down when it happened again...only this time worse the poor thing threw up so much it came out of her nose (it was so hard to see as a parent, I'm not going to lie I wanted to cry!) So obviously after apologizing up and down about our daughter leaving her mark on thier guest bed spread we headed home. She fell asleep on the way home but soon after putting her in her crib she was puking again, and this time it was bile. I was freaking out now, Chris totally had to calm me down, I'm not going to lie I was ready to drive her to the emergency room demanding that they make her better. Well it is hard because you forget everyone get's the stomach flu and it is ok. So we kept her hydrated with Pedialyte and just had to wait it out.

To make a long story short she was threw up saturday morning and then all through the night saturday. Chris came to bed at 5:30 am when he finally got her down to sleep. The poor thing is just having a rough go. So I woke up this morning to a still sick child. The good news was that she didn't throw up today but now she has a severe case of diarhea. So 4 loads of laundry, 5 sippy cups of pedialyte, 10 saltine crackers, and lots of hugs from mom, dad, grandma, and nana I think that she is finally feeling better. I was the most sad that she didn't get to wear her easter dress to church, and that we missed the opportunity to be spiritually fed today.

So please note that the reason Lydia is in a white onsie while opening her easter basket is because she had already been through 3 pairs of PJ's and two outfits due to poop and throw up. So I finally gave up.

Her Easter basket...Chris was even surprised (he didn't know I had put one together for her!)

She had just woken up from a 4 yes 4 hour nap so she was a little hesitant at first!

She instantly loved the bunny...she kept putting it up to her head and going "Ooohhhh!"

Yeah for my little Easter Bunny!
I just wanna squeeze her, she is so cute

Playing with her new bubble tray...I love the rolls on her legs!

She wouldn't play with the actual play dough but she loved taking the lid off and putting it back on and also she really loved tearing the box that it came in apart!
Lydia hated this little jiggly was so funny Chris would put it right by her and she would either throw it as far as she could or start scream-crying until we moved it away!

About to throw the hated pink jiggly ball!

As usual where ever Lydia goes her mess is sure to follow.
I am so greatful for the easter season, not just for the easter baskets and the easter eggs but because of what it is truly about.


Sarah said...

Oh my goodness! So sorry your baby was sick, that is the absolute WORST!! Especially when it lasts for that long. I hope she is feeling much better. She is so cute anyway, even in a white onesie!

Clint and Jinger Miller said...

Those easter bunny ears are adorable!! My son has one of those balls and he hates it too, but I love it! Cute pics

Ashlee and Sam said...

That is so sad when they are sick.It makes you feel so bad as a mom. She is seriously so cute!!I love the cute bunny ears!

Alex, Brad, Carly & Devin said...

I am so sorry that she didn't feel good. That has been gooig around. Alex had it like 3 or 4 weeks ago. He had diarrehia for like 6 days though. I was so sick of laundry I though I was going to throw up. I am glad she isstarting to feel better though! We will definately have to get together again! Sorry about Alex thinking he could hit her on the head with his hammer. He has no idea how to play with other kids.

Anna-Lisa said...

Yesterday I went to a baby shower and ran into Heather Sonnenburg which mainly just reminded me of you so I decided to look up your blog. Lydia is such a doll! I'm sorry she was sick on Easter but now she'll get to wear her pretty Easter dress next Sunday and be the prettiest one because no one else will be wearing theirs!

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer