Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Rough day!

Ok I know what you are thinking, "why did she take a picture of two different shoes?" Well Saturday was a crazy day to say the least. Lydia missed her afternoon nap on account of a book party I had at the house and I finally got her down for a late nap. Then by the time Chris got home we were late for dinner with Katie and Bryant so we were rushing out of the house. I ran in the closet and put on what I thought were my matching shoes.

Well Sunday when I woke up and was cleaning things up from the night before I noticed that I had two mis-match shoes out by the couch. Then it hit me, I had worn two different shoes all night. The best thing is that while we were watching the movie at the Gibby's house I took my shoes off and put them back on and nadda, just as clueless!

I guess I'm starting to see that when your life is crazy luckily you don't realize all the stupid things you do, until after they are already done!


NatBug said...

Yeah, I have done that too. I am so bad that one day I was getting ready for work and put on a pair of thingh highs and off to work I went. Once there, one of my co-workers pointed out to me that one thigh high was black and one was brown. Something I didn't notice while getting ready in the dim light at 5:30 in the morning. Luckily I shaved the day before, so when I removed them it wasn't too bad! I swear my mind goes away sometimes!!!

Marie said...

I love it! :)

Shellie and Bryan said...

I totally did that with the shoes not too long ago. I was so embarrassed and surprised at my apparent lack of focus. Of course I laughed about it for the next few days ;) We all do dumb things!

Bryant and Katie said...

That is so funny! I didn't even notice and I swear I looked at your shoes when you complimented mine at dinner. I thought you looked cute. You can pull anything off even miss matched shoes.

Chels said...

I love that you wore these shoes all night! That is SO something I would do...oh, and I love Intervention too! I love, love, love it when you get to see them at the end and they have light in their eyes again and they look like completely different people. It was so good to see you a couple of weeks ago at Jason's Deli :) Tell Chris "HI" for me.

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer