Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What's your favorite episode?

The Office

The Gang...or Michael's family as he likes to refer to them as.

Back up...you think I'm retarded? I have experience in television, in high school they used to call me the kool-aid man!

Slight overreaction. Well corporate decided to send me to management training...anger management training that is.

I wonder what people like about me...probably my jugs!


Big heart...even bigger butt!

I can't help that I was blessed with a talent for party planning!

Jim: "Dwight says he knows absolutely nothing about bears"

Dwight:"That is not true Jim they can climb faster than they can run...say it Jim"


Look out world there is a new Pammy who is saying what she wants...oh and don't call me Pammy!

Is there anyone else out there who is obsessed with "The Office" as I am? Ok I know that is a loaded question because we all love it right. Well I want to know what your favorite episodes are and why you love those crazy characters. I'll put a few of my favorites as a reminder...and if you ever need anyone to watch it with you know who to call!

1. The alliance...I love Dwights blonde hair in the end. "Can I trust Jim...you tell me."
2. Product recall..."Rididididido give me the beat boys" and "beer me" are a couple of classic Andy lines.
3. Night out...are you a hobbit? Do you live in a normal size house?
4. Schrute Farms... we have three rooms "America, Irrigation and Night time!"
5. I burned my foot on the foreman grill...I like the smell of Bacon in the morning and I don't have a butler.
6. When i'm old and have a yacht I won't care how much money I have I will care how many friends I have...I mean I must've done pretty well I have a yacht.
7. Slight overreaction...about when Andy punched in the wall. Corporate decided to send me to management training...anger management that is.
8. Kelly:If there was a God Ryan and I would be married by now.
9. Meredith:I'm excited about being on camera I'm just not used to so many people being around.
10. Favorite episode is when Jim goes through all the pranks he has pulled on Dwight.
nickels in the phone
jello calculator
desk in the bathroom
and many many more


NatBug said...

How lame am I? I have never seen the show! I have heard that it is hilarious, but I never have time to watch much tv.

Heather said...

WOW I just realized I am pretty lame too! I have seen bits and pieces of the show but never sat and watched it enough to think it was that funny! We'll have to get together so you can show me. Are you teaching dance? How about crazy off the wall 2-year olds? Saige has way to much energy and I need to be focusing it somewhere!!

Marie said...

There are so many to choose from! We have a little Office party every Thursday so if you guys ever want to come you are invited! I love the episode where Jim dresses up as Dwight. I could watch just that 5 minute part over and over!

This is my favorite pic of her holding on to grandpa's finger

Baby Girl

Baby Girl
This is our baby girl at 16 weeks. It was such an amazing thing to see her moving and count all of her fingers and toes for the first time. I know I bawled and Chris won't admitt it, but he was pretty emotional as well.

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

She's going to be a dancer